0:00Copy video clip URL Open on John Coady, a radio reporter for WBBM, talking about how radio has to be evocative and then he gives an example of another reporter doing that. Coady continues to give a tour of the sutido to Pat Creadon, the videographer. B-roll of a news room.
6:00Copy video clip URL Creadon talks with a news writer briefly about his job. He takes more B-roll of the news room.
13:32Copy video clip URL Footage of a news cast.
20:24Copy video clip URL Creadon chats with Coady for a bit longer about his history at WBBM.
22:56Copy video clip URL Cut to interior shot of taxi cab with the radio playing in the background, the station is presumably WBBM.
25:15Copy video clip URL Video ends.
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