
This videotape is not yet digitized. Please email us to let us know you're interested in watching it, and we'll see if we're able to make it available online sooner.

Clips from Liberace's 1954 TV series. "Liberace's Life Story" and "Liberace Shows His Home."

1:31 Liberace plays piano.

3:42 Liberace shows off his Emmys.

3:58 Liberace plays piano again.

4:09 Liberace dances by a pool in bathing suit on top of painted keyboard.

5:13 Liberace explains why he uses two concert pianos – because concertos were written for two.

6:28 Liberace closes program, then sings “Sunny Side of the Street” while dancing in top hat.

7:26 Liberace closes program again.

8:26 Onscreen text gives contact info for the Liberace Fan Club.



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