[Louis Farrakhan / Ernest Withers]

Camera original footage shot by Bill Stamets. The first half of the tape is a speaking engagement by Louis Farrakhan at a church in Chicago. The second half features a gallery tour of an exhibition of civil rights photography by Ernest Withers, including an interview with Mamie Till about Withers' impact on her son's case.

0:08Copy video clip URL Camera opens on a man introducing Louis Farrahkan to a church congregation. Bowtied members of the Nation of Islam stand between the audience and the pulpit. The congregation applauds for more than 40 seconds.

1:05Copy video clip URL Louis Farrakhan speaks about having a black mayor in Chicago after leading a prayer. He talks about representation in politics. He moves to discuss leaders that have been killed including JFK and Malcolm X. He talks about Harold Washington and Christianity. He mentions a controversial exhibit at the Art Institute. He tells of stories about Jesus Christ and the political problems of his time, and religious hypocrisy in modern day politics. He tells an anecdote about violence and discrimination. He calls people to come together and fight for their rights. 

29:00Copy video clip URL Farrakhan finishes speaking. They pray. Bobby Rush can be seen on the podium. Footage from around the church as people walk around and talk. 

29:57Copy video clip URL Cut to footage inside the exhibition “Let Us March On! Selected Civil Rights Photographs of Ernest C. Withers” at the Harold Washington Library. Withers talks about the exhibition. He gives the history of many photos in the gallery, many of which feature Martin Luther King Jr.. He explains some of the different types of cameras used. He tells an anecdote about MLK’s assassination.

56:45Copy video clip URL A woman introduces a child who animatedly recites MLK’s final speech.

59:30Copy video clip URL Cut to an interview Mamie Till, Emmett Till’s mother, talking about a tiny book that Ernest Withers created in 1955 following the trial of the two men who later confessed to the killing. She says: “This book was the only memento I had that chronicled what happened to my son in the courtroom. To me, this book it’s a treasure that I yet own and I would not part with it. I mean money cannot buy this little book. When people saw that book, it just enraged the public. Feelings were aroused. It really helped to make the Emmett Till case one of the most important in history.” 

1:00:58Copy video clip URL Tape ends. 



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