[Making It In Hollywood raw #41]

Raw footage for the 1976 documentary "Making It In Hollywood," which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. Actors Julius Harris, Robert Walden, Sally Kirkland, and Gregory Rozakis at Derrick's, a restaurant in Los Angeles. Walden dominates the conversation and talks about the difficulty of acting in projects for Universal studios, the 1976 version of "King Kong" (Harris plays a role in the film), and tells a story about the time that a publicity photo of his was taken off the wall at a L.A. restaurant (possibly endangering his reputation).

00:00Copy video clip URL Tape opens at Derrick’s, a restaurant in L.A. The group talks about different ways of doing credits. They chat about nothing in particular for some minutes. Walden eventually starts talking about the difficulty of acting in projects for Universal Studios.

06:34Copy video clip URL Harris interrupts Walden in the conversation about Universal, after which Walden talks about knowing directors who won’t work for Universal.

10:00Copy video clip URL Walden pauses, talks about doing a pilot for “Kojak.” Director Frank Cavestani is surprised because he usually likes Universal pictures.

13:51Copy video clip URL Harris reveals that he will be working on the 1976 “King Kong.” He explains it will be an updated version, and then he and Walden then discuss the movie production (the budget, the schedule, etc).

17:21Copy video clip URL Walden tells a story about the time that a publicity photo of his was taken off the wall at a L.A. restaurant (possibly endangering his reputation).

22:01Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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