Part of the Global Perspectives on War and Peace Collection. Live coverage of large rally to support disarmament in Central Park. June 12th, 1982.
00:00Copy video clip URL Open to the crowd gathered at Central Park. Title graphics appear.
00:47Copy video clip URL Nancy Cain begins introducing the program, standing behind stage with Maxi Cohen.
01:57Copy video clip URL Jon Alpert interviews twin sisters in the crowd.
02:37Copy video clip URL Footage from United States civil defense film Duck and Cover overlaid with its theme music and explosion sounds. Footage of an atomic bomb explosion, former presidents Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan and Albert Einstein. Lowell Blanchard’s “Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb” plays over war footage propaganda taken from The Atomic Cafe (1982).
04:47Copy video clip URL Nancy Cain interviews Abbie Hoffman backstage. The crowd releases balloon in mass.
08:09Copy video clip URL Orson Welles takes the podium at the front stage (graphics misspell Welles’s name). Static noise interrupts the audio.
10:56Copy video clip URL Correspondent Carlos de Jesus reports backstage in Spanish. He says that more than 50 nations have sent a delegation to the march because they recognize there are no winners in a nuclear war and that we’re all threatened by total destruction. “The nations who create nuclear arms control the resources and technology to change this situation,” he continues. “These events have been organized with the purpose to create a large national movement to change government priorities that every day makes us spend more and more money on nuclear arms at the expense of vital social services needed for a just and healthy society.”
12:16Copy video clip URL Back in the crowd with Jon Alpert who interviews Gene from Stroudsburg, PA, about the need for the working class to support peace. Gene talks about the loss of jobs and industry he’s witnessed in his home community.
13:52Copy video clip URL Footage returns to the front stage where Welles is still speaking on mortality and the advent of a new technological age. Tape blips out of resolution, flickers, and returns to resolution.
15:08Copy video clip URL Nancy Cain waits to interview Linda Ronstadt and introduces a taped segment on the World Peace March in Catskill and Hudson, New York.
15:36Copy video clip URL Taped segment begins documenting the World Peace March in its walk to the United Nations Special Session on Disarmament.
17:45Copy video clip URL Return to the crowd in Central Park. Alpert interviews a hospital worker and her daughter from Philadelphia.
18:45Copy video clip URL Interview with Ed Koch, the 105th mayor of New York City.
20:38Copy video clip URL Taped video on the “Atomic Age.” Footage of test atom bomb explosions, a speech by Harry Truman, an animated graphic of Ion the “neutron batter.” Footage also of Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, and a laboratory pouring isotopes.
22:46Copy video clip URL Backstage, Nancy Cain interviews Bella Abzug on the significance of the rally.
24:12Copy video clip URL Alpert interviews a women wearing a chain made of 1,000 paper cranes.
25:42Copy video clip URL Maxi Cohen interviews Dr. Benjamin Spock.
29:08Copy video clip URL Camera returns to the front stage where John Shea speaks. In the audio background, producers negotiate the camera transition.
29:30Copy video clip URL Helen Caldicott takes the podium, painting the dystopian destruction wrought by all-out nuclear war. Alpert talks in the background with a member of the Grey Panthers from San Francisco about her day-to-day organizing efforts.
33:51Copy video clip URL Rev. William Sloane Coffin of Riverside Church displays a protest t-shirt for sale to advocate disarmament. He introduces Randall Forsberg who is credited with starting the Nuclear Freeze movement and founded the Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies.
34:50Copy video clip URL Forsberg takes the podium.
38:55Copy video clip URL Maxi Cohen interviews Jill Clayburgh backstage.
41:22Copy video clip URL Holly Near performs “Ain’t No Where You Can Run.”
43:29Copy video clip URL Excerpts from The Atomic Cafe. Footage of U.S. military propaganda. A military officer teaches troops about the atom bomb and radiation. Scene of a test explosion of an atom bomb.
45:21Copy video clip URL Nancy Cain interviews former Rep. Toby Moffett (D-Conn.), Tom Downey (D-N.Y.), and Ed Markey (D-Mass.).
47:46Copy video clip URL Back in the Central Park crowd, Alpert talks with the member of the Grey Panthers from San Francisco and her daughter and grandson.
48:55Copy video clip URL Holly Near continues performing onstage with “Singing for Our Lives.”
49:41Copy video clip URL Maxi Cohen interviews interviews Dr. Eric Chivian, a staff psychologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and member of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. He speaks on the psychological effects of the threat of nuclear annihilation.
50:36 Michio Kaku physicist from the City College of New York, speaks at the podium as Dr. Chivian continues talking. Audio then transitions to Kaku’s speech. Kaku, who had family members die from the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima, introduces survivors of the Hiroshima nuclear attack. An elderly woman, survivor of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima, addresses the audience in Japanese and a translator then translates her speech into English.
58:26Copy video clip URL Maxi Cohen interviews Randy Kehler, coordinator for the National Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign.
59:32Copy video clip URL Nancy Cain takes the mic for station identification for the Public Interest Video Network.
60:07Copy video clip URL Animation of a nuclear bomb dropped over Hiroshima. Testimony of an atom bomb survivor is cut short.
60:49Copy video clip URL Correspondent Carlos de Jesus reports. He says that one of the most important things that have happened this past hour are the congressional representatives who have presented their opinions about disarmament. More than 200 political representatives have gathered, de Jesus says, including the three representatives recently seen on screen. “The freeze on nuclear arms should be a bilateral decision, and November 4th [election day] is when we will decide whether or not we want this to happen,” de Jesus says. He continues saying that nother person who gave us an important opinion was a representative of defense contract workers [Rep. Toby Moffett] who said that these workers demand another line of work, not for defense contractors, but for constructive efforts on behalf of local communities. de Jesus also reports on the interview with Jill Clayburgh, footage from The Atomic Cafe, and the interview with Dr. Spock.
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