This tape features footage of an interview with Maria Cueto, who had recently been released after being imprisoned for ten months for refusing to give information about FALN bombings to a grand jury. The second segment on the tape features a Puerto Rican Nationalist event, and ends with a musical performance by Andres Jimenez.
00:00Copy video clip URL Static.
00:20Copy video clip URL Civil rights attorney Michael Deutsch speaks with Puerto Rican Nationalist Maria Cueto about her experience being imprisoned. The signal quality is poor during this portion of the tape, and the noise of the crowd in the room makes the audio difficult to hear.
01:10Copy video clip URL Deutsch asks about her release and whether she believes it to be a victory. Cueto states that it was a victory and says that it was a result of the pressure the Puerto Rican community put on the justice department. She then states that the justice department doesn’t believe she and her fellow cohorts know nothing about the FALN. Cueto goes on to talk about the scope of the FBI investigation on the Puerto Rican Nationalist movement and the FALN. Her answer is nearly inaudible.
03:15Copy video clip URL Deutsch asks Cueto about what prison was like. She states that Puerto Ricans are being repressed and that the problems that plague the community have become tenfold. “I believe that it conforms, reaffirms a commitment on the person’s part to continue our working towards eliminating and solving some of the issues that exist in our communities.” She then continues to talk about the commitment of the movement. The interview ends shortly afterward.
05:42Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of a large table at a Puerto Rican Nationalist event. Various speakers address the audience in Spanish. Maria Cueto is in the shot. This lasts for several minutes.
11:47Copy video clip URL Another man addresses the crowd and talks about the solidarity among the group he is representing and the Puerto Rican Nationalist movement. His speech is cut off by another speaker who talks about the colonial occupation of Puerto Rico in 1890. He speaks for several minutes.
15:36Copy video clip URL Another speaker takes the podium and addresses the crowd in Spanish. He presents an award to a woman who is presumed to be a high ranking member of the Puerto Rican Nationalist movement. She then addresses the crowd in Spanish. This lasts for several minutes.
18:09Copy video clip URL Musician Andres Jimenez performs a few songs for the audience. This lasts for the remainder of the tape.
33:22Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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