A documentary on a Neo-Nazi rally in Marquette Park, Chicago, on July 9, 1978 features footage from inside the Neo-Nazi headquarters in Chicago (led by Frank Collin) and protesters in Marquette Park. In the headquarters they discuss logistics, chit-chat, and organize themselves for the rally. In the park beforehand we see people gathering (both anti-Nazis and Neo-Nazis) and police organizing themselves for the rally. Filmed by Tom Palazzolo and Mark Rance.
00:01Copy video clip URL Open to Chicago Sun Times front page: “Nazis win Park ruling.”
00:05Copy video clip URL Young protestors making jokes in the park.
00:30Copy video clip URL Man dressed as Abraham Lincoln is “definitely against the Nazis. I believe in freedom. I don’t think they should be allowed to march here today…”
1:16Copy video clip URL Camera crew enters building where Neo-Nazis, dressed in uniform, have set up their operations.
1:41Copy video clip URL Shot of television coverage of the protests.
1:50Copy video clip URL Police and protesters in the park. Man on megaphone leading chants.
2:35Copy video clip URL Neo-Nazi rolling a spool of wire in headquarters.
3:10Copy video clip URL Police officer discussing tactics.
3:15Copy video clip URL Inside HQ. Neo-Nazi using a printing press.
3:50Copy video clip URL Back to protests in park.
4:07Copy video clip URL In HQ preparing for rally and taking portrait photographs.
4:50Copy video clip URL Back in park.
5:12Copy video clip URL In HQ, Frank Collin, party leader, discussing logistics.
5:33Copy video clip URL Police officer discussing strategy. Protesters.
6:25Copy video clip URL Neo-Nazis loading van with signage and a generator.
6:55Copy video clip URL Press coming into the park.
7:21Copy video clip URL Back in HQ. More logistics and getting dressed.
10:17Copy video clip URL Quick shot of protesters and police squaring off.
10:33Copy video clip URL Kids come knocking on Neo-Nazi HQ–“Are you marching today?” Collin: “No, it’s just a rally.” Kid: “Are the niggers coming this way?” Collin: “Yeah.”
10:45Copy video clip URL Police officer and man (priest?) “squaring off” in the park.
11:47Copy video clip URL Back in HQ.
12:15Copy video clip URL Protester on megaphone discussing the financial inequality between protecting workers and protecting Neo-Nazis.
12:46Copy video clip URL Back in HQ. They are looking for a bullhorn.
13:18Copy video clip URL Collin on roof of HQ: “There’s not going to be a march. There’s going to be a rally in the park. See you there.” After a quick shot to a neighborhood woman lamenting the coming presence of the Neo-Nazis, back to Collin discussing the logistics of the rally, like assigning specific jobs.
15:28Copy video clip URL Shot of television coverage: “Although some Neo-Nazis made it into the park, the vast majority were unable to make it,” because they were blocked by protesters. Back into HQ.
16:35Copy video clip URL Protesters marching: “Death, death, death to the Nazis. Power, power, power to the workers.”
17:24Copy video clip URL Collin (jokingly) trying to persuade a young Neo-Nazi to give a speech. After the young man explains that he cannot read Collin’s handwriting, another man (off-camera) says, “He doesn’t get paid to write, he gets paid to bite.”
18:08Copy video clip URL Neo-Nazis make way to their cars. Footage of them discussing in the cars.
18:45Copy video clip URL Cut to old woman pushing a man in a wheelchair into park. Back to footage in the car.
19:57Copy video clip URL Neo-Nazis forget to bring their extension cord. They walk into the park. Collin is disappointed with their set-up, since they are behind the trees in the park. You can hear protesters in the background chanting.
22:39Copy video clip URL Police usher cameraman into the press box. Collin says, “Aloha!”
22:55Copy video clip URL Shot of television coverage, which focuses on the stark difference between anti-Nazi and Neo-Nazi protesters.
23:51Copy video clip URL Brief shot of future Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, a protester.
23:59Copy video clip URL Back to Lincoln.
24:14Copy video clip URL Sound of a firework goes off. Man being lead out of park in handcuffs.
24:34Copy video clip URL Shot of television coverage. “As the afternoon wore on numbers grew short…” Footage of people being arrested.
25:11Copy video clip URL Police and crowd. Woman shrieking: “Death! Death to the Nazis!” Footage of various press members speaking into dictaphones, taking photographs.
27:40Copy video clip URL Long shot of Collin standing on top of van. Overhear a part of his speech.
28:35Copy video clip URL Slow motion footage of a scuffle between a black man and a white man.
29:04Copy video clip URL Shot of television coverage. Collin: “So long as we have our rights to operate legally here where we have good support…but if they seek to abridge our rights to free speech again…then we’re definitely pushing the button on Operation Skokie.
29:46Copy video clip URL Collin explaining to press that they demonstrated their ability to speak freely. He predicts many more rallies. Shot of Neo-Nazis in their headquarters. A stand-off between two men and the group. Police break them up. Collin going over the various arrests from the rally.
31:38Copy video clip URL Individual reporter interviewing Collin: “Mostly what I wanted to do was make my speech audible to our own people, and because of the placement the police made for us it was difficult for our pepole to see us let alone hear us…I’m not after these demonstrations as I am after these speeches. I just want to be heard.”
35:10Copy video clip URL Shot of television coverage.
35:22Copy video clip URL Footage from the park after the rally.
35:30Copy video clip URL Title card.
35:48Copy video clip URL End of DVD.
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