At a rally at Daley Plaza celebrating the Chicago visit by Polish Solidarity leader and President Lech Walesa, Mayor Richard M. Daley welcomes Lech Walesa to the city of Chicago and presents him with a key to the city. Daley is introduced by Chicago Federation of Labor President Bob Healy.
00:00Copy video clip URL Live news feed. Bob Healy introduces Mayor Richard Daley who sings praises of Lech Walesa, President of Polish Solidarity. “Today is a day of tribute and thanks. Chicago has been home for those forced to flee in search of freedom. Many came from Poland. Poland’s loss is our gain. These people never lost touch with those who they left behind and never gave up dreaming of a free Poland. We honor the man who made that dream come true. Walesa and the people of Poland have stared down the people of oppression. It lifts the spirits of those repressed everywhere. They taught us all how precious freedom is. We cannot let this freedom fail. America must go the extra mile to make sure it succeeds. We must encourage our business community to explore new relations with Poland. It’s a sound economic decision. It’s an investment in freedom. It’s with great honor we welcome Walesa to our city.”
04:44Copy video clip URL The crowd cheers Walesa. Daley presents the key to the city to Walesa.
05:21Copy video clip URL END
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