[Michael Feldman #2]

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Raw tape of a live performance by Michael Feldman in Chicago.

0:00 Color bars: Sneed talks about being ostracized for doing her column. “I live this lonely existence in Winnetka.” The audience fakely “awww”s Sneed.

0:35 Feldman goes into audience and talks to owner of the hotel where Feldman is staying. Feldman talks to another girl who has flashing earrings.

2:08 Feldman talks to Rita West from St. Charles in audience. She says her job is editing college textbooks. Feldman tells her husband, a computer programmer, that his voice sounds computer generated. Feldman has him say, “Dumpcore” over and over again.

5:00 Feldman chooses audience me mbers for the Whad’ya Know quiz. He chooses two 8th-grade twins from the audience to play.

6:45 Feldman talks to the twins about their names, their parents. They talk about school and say hello to their favorite teachers.

10:10 Feldman asks qualifying question: “According to Richard Daley the first, the policeman isn’t there to create disorder, the policeman is there to (blank) disorder.” Feldman takes a caller, Brian, who ships cars. He gets the question wrong. The next caller is Wilbur, a medical student at UofI, who answers the question correctly: “preserve.”

12:31 Feldman talks to another caller. Audio levels are too high and are distorted.

12:45 Very weird computer generated face, then: MAX CPU TIME JOB ABORTED.

13:10 A very old Barbie commercial.

13:53 Feldman comes back, talking to girls. The audio levels are still too high. The girls choose the “people” category. Audio clips out, then comes back in normally. Feldman asks another question about federal spending. Feldman helps them answer the questions correctly.

16:32 Announcer announces award: “Joe Boxer Underwear” for Wilbur (caller), and a Pillsbury clock radio and an Eli’s Cheesecake for the girls.

17:16 Announcer announces show sponsors and show rules.

17:42 Feldman introduces Chicago sax player Von Freeman.

18:00 Freeman performs with Feldman’s group. Sound cuts out briefly. Feldman dances a bit while organizing his desk.

21:05 Feldman thanks Freeman.

21:26 END



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