The Million Man March

Chicago CBS Channel 2 news coverage of the Million Man March on Washington. Notable speakers include Revs. Louis Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson, as well as President Clinton.

0:03Copy video clip URL News report opens on Rev. Louis Farrakhan addressing the crowd at the Million Man March. The reporter states that the attendees have come to Washington, D.C. in response to Farrakhan’s call for African-American men to make something of themselves.

0:24Copy video clip URL Switch to studio shot and Lester Holt talks about the Million Man March. Holt introduces John Davis who talks more about the situation.

1:04Copy video clip URL Rev. Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam addresses the crowd and delivers a rousing speech. Switch to shot of Rev. Jesse Jackson addressing the crowd.

2:02Copy video clip URL Switch to shot of some of the attendees of the Chicago contingent, including State Senator Rickey Hendon (D). Several men at the event are interviewed before Davis returns the focus to the studio where President Bill Clinton’s address of the March is introduced.

3:15Copy video clip URL There is a clip shown of President Clinton giving part of his speech. Colin Powell also responds to the event, stating that he was unable to attend due to a book tour, but had mixed feelings about the march due to Farrakhan’s racist comments. There is footage of Black Chicagoans in churches and schools watching the march.

4:23Copy video clip URL Video ends.



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