My Hero Demo

Demo for the My Hero project, a show where people around the country send in videos where they talk about their personal heroes.

00:00Copy video clip URL Color bars.

00:46Copy video clip URL Slate

01:05Copy video clip URL My Hero intro.

01:46Copy video clip URL Charlie McMahon begins the show, introduces Laguna Beach segment.

2:01Copy video clip URL Laguna beach lifeguard Eva interviewed. The only time she was scared for her life was when at fifteen years old she pulled two young kids out of eight foot waves.

02:30Copy video clip URL Various kids on the street give their definitions of a hero.

02:44Copy video clip URL Lifeguard Leslie interviewed. On number of people saved, “I don’t know. Fifty? Sixty? Seventy?”

03:03Copy video clip URL Lifeguard to firefighter comparison.

03:47Copy video clip URL New York City. Mayor Rudy Guiliani says that when he was nine years old, his hero was his uncle, a firefighter.

04:06Copy video clip URL New York City Fire Department Medal Day, 1994.

04:24Copy video clip URL Two firefighters interviewed.

04:53Copy video clip URL Firefighter and award winner Albert Molinari interviewed. His hero was his father, a firefighter for thirty-six years.

05:54Copy video clip URL Family hero segment.

06:00Copy video clip URL Washington, DC. Erika Becker interviewed.

07:00Copy video clip URL Erika talks about living with Cerebral Palsy, her recent surgery, and having a handicap.

11:06Copy video clip URL Break.

11:28Copy video clip URL House-O-Matic dancers from the South Side of Chicago perform outside on the street.

12:13Copy video clip URL Interview with Ronnie Sloan, President of House-O-Matic.

13:46Copy video clip URL Teacher Hero segment. Santa Monica, CA teacher Laurel Schmidt and class project to save a historic landmark.

14:13Copy video clip URL Students Kyle Miller and  Amber Rose interviewed about their roles in saving a landmark.

15:10Copy video clip URL Artist Hero segment about the Mirror television project in Somerville, MA.

16:22Copy video clip URL Interview with Roberto Arevalo, head of the Mirror Project.

17:36Copy video clip URL Student Anderson St. Louis speaks about Roberto’s teaching style.

18:27Copy video clip URL “I’m not saying that the Mirror Project is going to solve the problems of humanity… It’s a good taste of this earth. Maybe we can call this a little piece of Boston Creme pie.”

19:00Copy video clip URL A very small boy in Shelton, Washington interviews a pair of pigs. He holds the microphone out to them and asks, “What do you explain? What do you explain? Pigs… they don’t explain anything, they’re just pigs!”

19:38Copy video clip URL Break.

20:28Copy video clip URL Sports hero segment with Bill Veeck. Veeck says that Babe Ruth is one of his heroes. “A fella of infinite capacity to rise to an occasion.”

21:31Copy video clip URL Jackie Robinson also one of Veeck’s heroes. “A hero of a different kind… the first black player to represent his race in modern major league baseball, and represent it he did. With skill, with aplomb, with daring, with speed and with fire.”

22:01Copy video clip URL Veeck on Satchel Paige. “The best pitcher that I’ve ever seen. The most exciting, unusual individual to ever walk onto the baseball diamond.”

22:45Copy video clip URL Interesting kid’s heroes interviews.

23:46Copy video clip URL Author Michael Crichton is one girls hero. Crichton’s hero is George Schaller.

24:10Copy video clip URL George Schaller segment from the Bronx Zoo, New York. Explains why he loves wildlife. “Stand up and shout on behalf of the planet and people will listen.”

26:13Copy video clip URL Break.

26:17Copy video clip URL Request for viewers to send in who their own heroes are. Credits roll.

26:41Copy video clip URL End tape.



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