Chicago Iraqis are interviewed about the presence of American forces in Iraq, consequences of violent bombings, and Iraq's future after Saddam Hussein.
0:19Copy video clip URL A group of Muslims pray outside while Elizabeth Brackett, in a voice-over, introduces the segment.
1:00Copy video clip URL Interviews with some of the Muslims about the bombings in Iraqi mosques; they don’t blame the explosions on tensions between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. Interviewees speculate about who was behind the bombings.
1:54Copy video clip URL Aziz, a cafe owner and previously an interpreter in Iraq, talks about what the consequences of the bombings may be. He worries about a civil war.
2:50Copy video clip URL An interview with a man named Kaseem. He doesn’t worry about friction between religious factions, but he does think US soldiers have a responsibility in Iraq. “[US soldiers] are responsible for keeping the place safe. When you invade or occupy a country, you want to provide peace to that country.”
3:59Copy video clip URL Kamal, an artist, shares his story about his father’s death, and his wishes for American soldiers to leave Iraq.
5:10Copy video clip URL Segment moves on to a magazine published by Chaldo Assyrians in the Chicago area. Brackett talks about their general support for the Bush administration’s policies in Iraq. Sheba Mando is interviewed and shares that he would like American soldiers to stay in Iraq.
6:05Copy video clip URL Assad Ali, a nuclear scientist, is interviewed. “American forces will not leave Iraq, and this will please me because, as long as they are here, they can give the opportunity to our country to choose the right, and the democratic path.”
7:41Copy video clip URL Guity Nashat is interviewed, and talks about the ousting of Saddam Hussein, and how freeing it has been for Iraqis.
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