Newshour: Color Coded Security Alerts

A brief piece from Elizabeth Brackett covering the implementation of the color-coded security system, and what changes should be made to improve it.

0:10Copy video clip URL Opens with overhead long-shot of Chicago. In a voice-over Elizabeth Brackett explains that the nation’s terrorism alert is still set to yellow, where it has been for some time despite recent warnings. Voice-over continues to explain the colors of the system and why it was instated.

1:01Copy video clip URL Cortez Trotter, head of Chicago’s 911 system, talks about the confusion before the color coded system. Voice-over then begins to talk about the seemingly looser security in Chicago. Trotter explains the less visible security measures taken.

2:16Copy video clip URL Voice-over talks about Chicago’s planned actions for each security level.

2:46Copy video clip URL Trotter explains the modifications he would like to see in the coding system, including simplifying it from five steps to three, and making the system geographically specific.

3:40Copy video clip URL Brackett talks to people on the street about their understanding and opinions on the code, and compares their reactions to public understanding in the 50’s. Footage of old PSA’s about how to “duck and cover”.

5:34Copy video clip URL Matthew Bettenhausen talks about how citizens need to create their own plans for each security level.

6:02Copy video clip URL Voice-over talks about Mayor Daley’s opinions of the security levels. Daley gives a speech about his inability to create a plan for Chicago without being aware of the federal government’s plans. More information from Trotter about the difficulties in not knowing federal plans.

7:50Copy video clip URL End



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