Raw footage for the documentary "None of the Above," which focused on non-voters during the 1996 presidential election. This tape features footage of the 1996 Republican National Convention in San Diego, CA.
00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with footage of musical performances from a Christian Coalition event outside of the 1996 Republican National Convention in San Diego. We watch as numerous performers entertain the crowd of thousands before the event begins. This lasts for several minutes.
11:35Copy video clip URL The MC of the event takes the stage and welcomes everyone to the Christian Coalition event. We watch as a number of speakers lead the event off with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer. The footage is fairly fragmented and the speeches cut in and out from time to time.
13:50Copy video clip URL Ralph Reed, executive director of the Christian Coalition of America, pronounces the Republican party “a pro-life party” to the cheering crowd: “We are inclusive, we are open, we exclude no one. But lest there be any doubt, we will never walk away from the innocent sanctity of human life in the mother’s womb!”
15:45Copy video clip URL Dan Quayle talks about “the importance of the American family” and references his famous 1992 ‘Murphy Brown’ speech decrying single parenthood.
17:14Copy video clip URL New Hampshire governor Steve Merrill gives a speech featuring a passage from the Bible.
18:57Copy video clip URL J.C. Watts, a congressman from Oklahoma, takes the stage. In his introduction, Reed explained that Watts had been barred from a speaking engagement the night before for “his message of faith in God, hard work, and individual self-initiative”.
20:27Copy video clip URL Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition, talks about his born-again faith and the organization’s roots. “America does not just have a fiscal crisis, we have a moral crisis, and we need a moral solution!” Reed briefly returns to the stage.
25:00Copy video clip URL Newt Gingrich delivers a short speech about “public and private” morality, which he believes is the basis of American freedom.”We don’t think that any of us are perfect,” he explains. “This is not a discussion where there’s a bunch of saints denying a bunch of sinners. I think the press doesn’t quite get [this].”
28:17Copy video clip URL Cut to footage of the audience. We watch as the camera operator walks around the area documenting those in attendance.
29:22Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of an Entertainment News reporter interviewing actor Alec Baldwin about his public involvement in the political process. His brother William Baldwin is also being interviewed. In a very interesting shot, the brothers stand back to back explaining their political views and involvement with certain causes. We eventually pan over to an individual shot Alec Baldwin speaking about the lack of public political involvement in Hollywood. Baldwin also speaks with another Fox News reporter about campaign finance reform.
34:02Copy video clip URL The camera operator eventually catches up to Baldwin and asks him to compare the financing of Hollywood movies to the financing of American political campaigns. Initially Baldwin is taken aback by the question, but answers it very eloquently.
34:36Copy video clip URL Cut back to footage from inside of the Republican National Convention. A number of different speakers take the stage and do their best to excite the crowd. One speaker even plays a little harmonica. The camera operator continues to gather footage from around the convention hall. Governor George W. Bush also briefly addresses the audience. We eventually make our way over to the vendor tables to look at some of the merchandise on sale at the convention. This lasts for several minutes.
45:50Copy video clip URL Cut to a San Diego resident talking about the city and its affiliation to the Republican party. He makes some interesting observations about politics and the lack of funding for the arts in this country. “The mix of politics and business is a match made in heaven, as anybody can look if you look left or you look right in this building, however politics and art is a match made in hell. And so that kind of perception has made it very difficult for public funding in the arts.”
49:47Copy video clip URL Cut to footage from inside of the convention. A brass horn band is currently entertaining the crowd with their renditions of popular songs. This lasts for several minutes before Newt Gingrich takes the stage. Gingrich’s speech is cut off as the opening ceremonies begin to take place. A number of different unnamed speakers address the audience. Dole’s daughter, Robin Dole, also takes the podium to promote her father’s bid for the Presidency. She eventually introduces her mother, Elizabeth Dole, to the stage. However, her speech gets cut off by the end of the tape.
01:01:19Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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