[None of the Above raw #37]

This tape features raw footage for the documentary "None of the Above," an in depth ethnographic look at non voters in this country. This video features footage and interviews with Michael and Holly Bowser of Morro Bay, California. Bowsers #6.

00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with Tom Weinberg and Patrick Creadon trying to barge in on John Callaway in his hotel room. We watch as the documentarians pack up and leave their hotel in the Morro Bay area. Callaway and the crew drive to the Bowser home. The three talk about what they plan on asking the Bowsers about in their next interview.

07:43Copy video clip URL The three arrive at the Bowser home. We watch as they sit down with the family to watch cartoons with the children. We follow Michael and the kids to the County Fair that is taking place at the children’s school. Along the way, Michael talks about the type of housing in the neighborhood. He was involved in the building process for many of the houses in the neighborhood.

17:30Copy video clip URL The Bowsers and crew arrive at the county fair. As the children take part in the festivities, Callaway and Weinberg briefly speak with Michael about his past homelessness and the makeup of the neighborhood.

21:58Copy video clip URL Cut to footage of Holly Bowser helping with the festivities. We watch as she signs up for the pie eating contest that will take place later in the day. Weinberg continues to gather footage from in and around the event. The Bowser children also take part in a raffle.

28:53Copy video clip URL We watch as Holly and a number of other contestants sit down at a large table for the pie eating contest.

31:09Copy video clip URL The pie eating contest starts. Michael and the children watch and laugh as Holly does her best to win the competition. She ultimately loses to a teenage boy. Each contestant’s face is covered in chocolate in the aftermath of the contest.

35:41Copy video clip URL Cut to a conversation between Callaway and Weinberg comparing the school system in both Morro Bay and the country. They also comment on the paradoxical nature of Michael’s participation in the political process. Weinberg continues to gather footage from around the event before the three documentarians leave.

43:48Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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