[None of the Above raw #4]

This tape features raw footage for the documentary "None of the Above," an in depth look at  non-voters during the 1996 election. In this video, we follow Phil Gramm, Pat Buchanan, Alan Keyes, and Bob Dole on the campaign trail in Iowa before the February 12th caucuses.

00:00Copy video clip URL The tape begins with footage from inside the Des Moines, Iowa capital building. Presidential candidate Phil Gramm is holding a publicity event just before the Iowa caucuses. Campaign staffers are seen hanging signs and putting the sound system together for the event while the bustling hum from those in attendance echoes in the background.

03:07Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of Phil Gramm signing a few autographs just after arriving at the capital.

03:29Copy video clip URL Cut to Phil Gramm’s introduction. Holding hands with his wife, Gramm walks down a flight of carpeted stairs before reaching a podium on the first floor. Crowd members clap and cheer as presidential music plays in the background. A group of protesters stands above Phil Gramm on the second floor holding signs that read, “Expose the Right!” Gramm begins to address the audience by referencing the movie “Field of Dreams.” His speech is a little fragmented and gets cut off here and there. Gramm talks about the grassroots organizations that have helped his campaigning in Iowa and seems confident that he’ll win the state.

05:41Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of an onlooker in a quiet board room listening to a speech from presidential hopeful Steve Forbes. The potential Republican candidate lays out the fiscal platform for his presidency. Afterwards he answers a few questions from the audience. At one point, a man asks Forbes about the negative television ads that are a part of each candidate’s respective campaigns. Forbes answer to the question gets cut off, but he manages to say, “But I think it’s legitimate in a democracy to point out, especially on tax and spending issues where a candidate has said one thing, and then done another.”

08:41Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of the Forbes campaign bus. Forbes quickly leans out of the window and gives a thumbs up to the press.

09:10Copy video clip URL Cut to a Pat Buchanan press conference. Buchanan focuses on the issues of conservative fiscal policy and immigration.

11:05Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of Buchanan sitting in the front seat of his Winnebago. The campaign has just arrived at a scheduled stop to speak with a number of supporters. The State Director of the Buchanan campaign introduces Buchanan to the crowd of about thirty to forty people. Buchanan makes his way through the smaller crowd and begins to talk about his proposed tax and trade policies. He also talks about his approval of the v-chip in televisions sets. Buchanan then speaks with a group of children and jokes with them about not being in school. A flood of press engulfs the area around Buchanan documenting his talking to potential supporters.

16:15Copy video clip URL The tape breaks for a few seconds.

16:18Copy video clip URL Buchanan speaks with a young boy who had been passing out Buchanan stickers at the event. Buchanan signs the boy’s pin and jokes around with him a little bit. “Listen you know if this thing, if I win, you can probably trade that in for a couple of Willie Mays pins.”

17:25Copy video clip URL Buchanan makes his way over to the donut table and grabs a couple of  pastries. He speaks with a few more people before he and his wife make their way back onto the campaign bus. He also briefly speaks with the press. The cameraman speaks with a group of children about their parents supporting Pat Buchanan. One child says that her father won’t be voting for Buchanan because he’s a democrat. Another child jokes about the possibility of a “Kids Caucus.” The cameraman then gathers a good amount of b-roll from in and around the event. This lasts for several minutes.

25:45Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of an Alan Keyes campaign staffer working hard on the setup of an event. Presidential hopeful Alan Keyes will be speaking to a group of school children at a Christian school in Iowa.

28:34Copy video clip URL Alan Keyes arrives at the school. He and his campaign associates quietly wait outside of the the lecture hall. He waits for several minutes before making his way inside.

30:46Copy video clip URL Keyes is greeted with a warm welcome from the audience. In front of a large group of school students, Keyes talks about the actions that he believes are ripping apart the moral fabric of this country. “You are now unfortunately in a time when young people just like you are doing things that no people should ever dream of doing: murdering and killing and raping and robbing and stealing and drugging and prostituting and destroying themselves in ways that would have been shocking years ago in adults and that today shocks because it’s fourteen-year-olds and ten-year-olds and fifteen-year-olds and seventeen-year-olds and people just like you who should still be living in the nascent light of innocence, living instead in the darkness of a depravity that is destroying their lives, their communities, and threatens I believe to destroy the very fabric of this country’s life. And this makes me sad.” School children attentively look on as Keyes goes through his speech.

35:14Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of Senator Bob Dole as he awaits to address a group of potential supporters in Iowa. Dole sits backstage as he is being introduced.

38:15Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of Bob Dole in the midst of his speech. Dole lays out the platform for his presidency. Dole states, “And let me make it very clear: I’m not looking for a job. I’m not looking for a job, but if you’re looking for someone with experience, someone who understands what it is to sacrifice for their country, somebody who knows about a hard scrabble life growing up, somebody who senses the needs of the poor, disabled, and others who have real problems in America, but somebody who believes in core values, core values. You can’t compromise your core values. You can compromise some things but not your core values. If you want that kind of leadership and that kind of tested leadership, tested and tested and tested again as I’ve said, then I think you’ll go to the caucus on Monday night and support my campaign. And keep in mind you get Elizabeth [Dole] along with it, and that even makes it better.” Dole then takes a few questions from the audience and press. This cuts into footage from another Dole press conference. This lasts for several minutes.

59:17Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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