[None of the Above raw #69]

This tape features raw footage for the documentary "None of the Above," an in depth ethnographic look at non voting citizens in the U.S. We watch as the RePass family attends church on a Sunday morning. Frank #3.

00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with footage of the RePass family as they’re on their way to church. We watch as the family piles into their station wagon and the crew follows the RePass family to church. This lasts for several minutes.

06:45Copy video clip URL The RePass family arrives at church. Camera operator Skip Blumberg continues to gather footage of the family. Once inside, Frank explains the reasons for the camera being present while slowly making his way up to the choir. Blumberg continues to gather footage from inside of the church. This lasts for several minutes.

11:00Copy video clip URL As the service begins, Blumberg captures footage of the choir as they prepare to sing the opening hymn as well as footage Frank’s wife and children. Eventually, Blumberg captures footage of Frank at work in the choir loft. We nearly watch the service in its entirety.

35:12Copy video clip URL After the service, Tom Weinberg, John Callaway, and Frank converse with the rest of the congregation and one another. Blumberg gathers more b-roll.

37:08Copy video clip URL Frank talks about the importance of going to church, but states that faith is much more important than attending church services. He goes on to talk about the congregation and calls them an “extended family.” Blumberg asks Frank how active he is in the church community. Frank explains that he and his family are deeply involved with the church. Frank speaks with a few other congregation members as well.

42:55Copy video clip URL We watch as Frank gives both Weinberg and Blumberg a tour of the parish and school grounds. Frank talks about his choice to send his children to private school because of the condition of the New Orleans public schools. He goes into detail about the parish school itself.

46:30Copy video clip URL Blumberg asks Frank what he believes to be the ultimate responsibility of the government. Given that the safety of the country is understood as a large responsibility, Frank says that education should be a main national priority and criticizes Bill Clinton’s handling of the educational system. Frank goes on to say that he would vote for a teacher for president. “They have their priorities straight generally. They’re in the profession and they care. Their profession comes first.” Blumberg then gathers footage of Frank’s son and others at play on the basketball court. Frank and Weinberg continue to converse with one another about the education system and the current voting system. We eventually follow the family as they make their way back home.

54:57Copy video clip URL We watch as the RePass children and their mother make “egg rabbits.” Blumberg speaks with one of the children about the mock election that took place at her school. This lasts for several minutes.

01:01:22Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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