[None of the Above raw #74]

This tape features raw footage for the documentary "None of the Above," an in depth ethnographic look at non voters in the U.S. We watch as the videomakers spend time with non-voter Frank RePass and his family at a number of different activities in New Orleans.

00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with footage of RePass, Tom Weinberg, and Skip Blumberg driving through Greenwood Cemetery in New Orleans. RePass takes the two videomakers to a family grave site. Weinberg gathers footage of the area.

05:47Copy video clip URL Cut to footage from Frank’s daughter, Sarah’s soccer game. Parents watch from the stands as their children play on the field.

08:02Copy video clip URL Cut to footage of Frank in downtown New Orleans playing street chess. He is pitted up against a tourist in a heated chess match. RePass also plays with his chess buddy Harold, a New Orleans local. Weinberg takes advantage of the camera effects throughout the tape.

16:25Copy video clip URL Weinberg speaks with two electronics store employees. This lasts for several minutes.

18:38Copy video clip URL Cut to footage of the videomakers eating dinner at a New Orleans restaurant. This lasts for several minutes.

29:08Copy video clip URL Cut to b-roll of New Orleans. Both Weinberg and Blumberg are shooting. This lasts for several minutes.

34:06Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of RePass on his way to his downtown office. He speaks with both Weinberg and Blumberg about his reasons for not taking part in the voting process. This lasts for several minutes.

41:58Copy video clip URL Cut to footage from inside RePass’ law office. RePass talks about his family dynamics and some of his goals for the future. Both Weinberg and Blumberg continue to gather footage of the office. RePass also talks about the genealogical work he has done over the years and his affinity for the game of chess.

46:31Copy video clip URL Cut to a short interview with one of RePass’ colleagues, Courtney Wilson. Wilson had recommended RePass as a subject for the documentary. He talks about Frank’s character. “Frank RePass is the salt and soul of New Orleans, and I say that because spiritually he’s large. He embraces really all of New Orleans. He’s driven taxi cabs. He’s clerked for an appellate judge. He has served soup in the soup kitchen. He has befriended people with other lifestyle preferences. He takes people in and he judges them as individuals. He’s really the perfect gumbo for New Orleans. He embraces everything, and he’s really a good guy to have around.”

51:50Copy video clip URL Weinberg and Blumberg drive around the streets of New Orleans and shoot b-roll. This lasts for the remainder of the tape.

01:02:39Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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