Media Burn Archive launch party and benefit on the roof of ROW Self Park October 8, 2006.
0:00Copy video clip URL Color bars.
0:18Copy video clip URL Start. Pre-party setup with Tom Weinberg, Tony Judge, and Judy Hoffman.
1:55Copy video clip URL Carolyn Faber and Julia Gibbs test Apple computers from On Deck Tech with the site.
2:45Copy video clip URL Anna Weinberg, Judy Hoffman, Judy Wallenstein, Eric Kramer, Brian Kramer (+ wife) chat and set up.
4:45Copy video clip URL Little Giants warm up and begin to play a few songs.
5:50Copy video clip URL Gordon and Claire Prussian arrive to check out the event. More Little Giants and set up.
7:45Copy video clip URL Guests begin to arrive – Sara Chapman, Matthew Palm, and Judy Wallenstein check them in. Rich DuCasse talks about seeing episodes of The 90’s on the website.
8:32Copy video clip URL Raffle items, more check-in.
9:35Copy video clip URL Joel Cohen and Mavis Prall arrive and talk with Starr Sutherland. Judy Hoffman hawks raffle tickets.
11:07Copy video clip URL Mike Bancroft tests the food. Assorted guests enjoy the food. Views from the roof.
12:10Copy video clip URL Little Giants perform.
12:36Copy video clip URL Mirko Popadic and family arrive and take pictures of the camera. More check-in. Kerry Brennan and husband Jim arrive, then Jen Abrahamson and Sara Jill Rubel chat. Scenes from the bar – the wine is opened! Anna Weinberg, Katie Jenness, and Emily Baron bartend.
15:43Copy video clip URL Tony Judge addresses the crowd and begins the first round of the raffle. Brian Kramer and Anna Weinberg pull the tickets. First item: $100 gift certificate to Abt Electronics, won by Julie Bridge. Second: Artwork by Jim Sternfield, won by Julia Gibbs. Some of raffle is skipped, then Julie Bridge wins a poster of Robin Williams from Mork and Mindy.
18:14Copy video clip URL Long shot of crowd.
18:44Copy video clip URL Brian Kramer and others check out the site.
19:07Copy video clip URL Chicago Brass Choir marches up the ramp for the official launch. Balloons are handed out, then Tom Weinberg speaks briefly about the site, and then everyone releases the balloons after a countdown.
22:40Copy video clip URL Tom Weinberg talks with Rod Garreton, Jim Passin eats grapes and chilli.
23:50Copy video clip URL Judy Hoffman gives a speech honoring Tom Weinberg and the Media Burn Archive. “The Media Burn Archive videos provide us with a unique cultural history of how life was lived at street level. They add to, and often contradict, the picture of American society that a TV news archive would provide. This is particularly important today, in an era of consolidated media.”
27:42Copy video clip URL Tom Weinberg gives a speech and thanks the people who helped create the site and the party.
30:25Copy video clip URL Tony Judge returns to begin the auction. Ted Cucuro, the auctioneer, greets the crowd. Scott Jacobs displays the items. First item: a set of two books – “And They All Sang” by Studs Terkel and “Home Grown Democrat” by Garrison Keillor – both of which will be personally autographed by the authors. The crowd is reluctant to bid right away, but the auctioneer convinces them to make high bids. Michael Prussian watches happily; kids play in the open space.
33:40Copy video clip URL Second item: All inclusive weekend-long glass-blowing workshop from Chicago Hot Glass. Then we jump to poster of Michael Jordan and Spike Lee from the ’80s.
35:15Copy video clip URL Next item: original Media Burn t-shirt from 1975. Fierce bidding war ensues between the Wittrup/Faber family and the Sczcurek family.
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