[Once a Star raw: Phoenix, Arizona #8]

This tape features footage of the '69 Chicago Cubs and New York Mets teams at "Dream Game '86," shot for the television series "Once A Star." This tape covers the beginning of the game, with audio from the dugout, and a hit by Ernie Banks (1931-).

00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with color bars and tone.

00:38Copy video clip URL Footage from the dugout of the players as they warm up. We overhear Ernie Banks speaking with his teammates. He and Billy Williams (1938-) share a few words. At one point Leo Durocher (1905-1991) tries to call the team into the dugout before the game. Banks is also overheard talking about his sex life through the microphone he had been fitted with earlier in the day.

02:37Copy video clip URL Cut to more footage from around the ball park. The camera focuses on Banks playing first base during this portion of the tape. Banks remains in a good mood throughout the game.

04:43Copy video clip URL Banks compliments Paul Popovich on his playing ability. Then, Banks and a number of his teammates comment on the game from the dugout. Eventually, Banks warms up before going up to bat.

06:42Copy video clip URL Banks steps up to the plate after Billy Williams gets on base. Banks takes a few swings and hits a line drive to center field. Banks is ecstatic over his double as he makes his way towards second base. “That ball was hit! I can hit!” This is followed by more footage from the game. The videomakers get a few shots of Fergie Jenkins and other players in the dugout. However, the majority of the footage consists of Banks at first base.

16:09Copy video clip URL Banks calls for the batter to hit the ball towards him and afterward makes a great defensive play. The remainder of the footage focuses on Banks.

19:21Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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