0:00 Cedric Stokes, “the world’s greatest one man band” on Venice Beach sings a funk/disco song about the 90s while playing drums, bass, and a mean sax solo. On request from the crowd, he performs another song.
3:54 Shots of outside of “Lincoln Savings.”
4:18 Jody Procter walks onscreen and starts selling pencils and talking to the camera. He talks about the gold standard and the concept of national money while trying to sell pencils.
6:33 Procter talks about when money stopped making sense to him, and finding out the meaninglessness of actual money in comparison to abstract numbers exchanged between banks.
9:53 Procter talks about a bankrobber friend of his stealing money from banks over computers, and starts talking about the 80s trading scandals. He talks about real estate as ” the marijuana of the 80s ” to the former 60s generation.
21:28 A man in an old Thunderbird pulls up in front of the bank and Proctor stops to watch. The man buys two pencils.
22:43 Procter talks about a book, “The Seven Laws of Money,” which was very popular in the 60s. He talks about two: “Money is a dream” and “There are places in the universe where there is no money.”
25:53 Procter talks to a passer-by about the old black Thunderbird. The man talks about Japanese buyers paying top money for old vehicles to use in restaurants and living rooms. He talks to the man about San Francisco in the late 60s.
29:38 Procter talks about Tolstoy beginning to hate money, and g iving everything away to his wife and children, while still living in his house.
31:18 Shots of Proctor holding cup of pencils outside bank.
35:03 Jody Procter walks down the street and talks about potential pencil sales in a busy location, and how this money would add up for a homeless person. “It might be easier than gathering cans.”
37:36 Skip Blumberg does a tape about NBC in Rockefeller Center. He talks to a cameraman who’s working for Channel 2. The two men from Channel 2 brush him off a bit.
38:53 Skip finds protestors trying to bring troops back from Iraq. Skip meets up with a woman shooting for Deep Dish TV.
39:58 Skip meets Betty Aberlin from Mr. Rogers passing out flyers for a new media. She talks about how unfriendly the media really is towards children.
43:23 Footage of children and young people marching against the media and war in Iraq through New York City.
44:08 The marchers arrive outside CBS. Skip talks to the editor of “Lies of Our Time” magazine, who works at the Center for Media Analysis. He talks about how the format of television news creates harmful simplifications. He also talks about how news programs are now parts of conglomorates that do not try to present good news, only to make a profit.
46:25 Protestors scream and hold signs outside ABC headquarters. One middle-aged woman yells “Baah” over and over again. People chant “Shame!”, “Tell the truth!”
47:48 An interviewer talks to Dee Dee Halleck.
48:18 Skip talks to Allen Ginsberg, and both watch two old men shooting a news spot for the Charles Kurault show. Audio for Ginsberg is bad. Ginsberg talks about Harry Smith’s comment that “Science is a lie.”
51:17 Someone sings “Shame on you” song to the networks.
52:08 End of tape.
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