Out Of The Silence: Fighting For Human Rights

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Documentary made up of narration, archive footage, and current footage and interviews highlighting the human rights struggles. The first half focuses on the victorious fight for human rights in Czechoslovakia, concentrating on methods of underground information dissemination, including samizdat literature and The Video Journal created by Czech dissidents.

The second half focuses on the ongoing struggle for human rights in Guatemala. This main concentration is on the human rights workers and the Guatemalan government’s attempts to squelch them through beatings, kidnappings, and killings.

2:25 Montage of WW II archive footage, including clips of Hitler, bombings, burning cities, and concentration camps.

9:43 Archive footage of demonstrations in 1968 Prague.

12:02 Archive footage from the signing of the Helsinki Accord.

13:48 Photo montage of the dissidents who drafted Charter 77.

22:40 Footage of Prague demonstrations in 1988 & 1989.

31:42 Shots of Guatemalan mountains and countryside.

35:06 Footage of Guatemalan militias (civil patrols) marching.

43:21 Footage of demonstrations in Guatemala.



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