Pat Creadon, the videographer, chats with people downtown and visits Billy Goat Tavern.
0:00Copy video clip URL Pat Creadon, the videographer, films his reflection before a woman enters the elevator and begins talking with him. He exits the building and begins talking with a man outside on a bicycle.
3:08Copy video clip URL Cut to shot of Billy Goat Tavern where Creadon talks with one of the workers there. Creadon chats with a customer at Billy Goat. He also shoots several takes of
8:46Copy video clip URL Creadon chats very quickly with a bicycle messenger.
9:07Copy video clip URL Cut to exterior shot of downtown Chicago during winter time where Creadon chats with several different people and one man in particular for quite some time. They talk about the vast differences between radio and television.
18:09Copy video clip URL Cut to interior of a shop where Tom Weinberg chats with an Indian man.
19:12Copy video clip URL Video ends.
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