[Paul Tsongas Sept 29 1991; Tom Harkin Sept 30 1991]

00:03Copy video clip URL Camera opens on an elderly couple who explain why they like President Bush as a candidate. Another man names a Colorado congresswoman as the ideal candidate for president. 

2:30Copy video clip URL Cut to a convention. Paul Tsongas talks to a reporter about other candidates and the issues he supports. 

6:30Copy video clip URL Cut to Tom Harkin talking to a group of reporters about his fellow candidates. The reporters ask him about being a Democrat. They ask him what he thinks about some of President Bush’s policies. 

10:55Copy video clip URL Cut to a man singing and playing guitar onstage. Harkin comes on stage and gives a speech about his candidacy. He talks about why he is running, and how he plans to win. He discusses what it means to be a democrat. He talks about how Bush is failing the country. Video cuts out. Speech continues and video returns. He talks about everything he would change as president, and then about his upbringing. He talks about the American Dream, abortion, and foreign policy. 

35:48Copy video clip URL Speech ends. Cut to footage of Harkin on TV.

3700 Cut to black. Tape ends. 



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