This is a video of local elections in Altgeld Gardens on the South-East Side of Chicago for community positions of power. The main candidates argue outside the election center.
0:00Copy video clip URL Open on a camera that moves around erratically and a woman saying, “it only takes you two minutes to vote.” Camera settles on a shot of a woman in orange, Cheryl Johnson, and a man in fur. They are candidates in the current election and they are trying to implement change in their community. The man talks about how he is going to implement change for each of the different demographics in their community. He talks for quite a bit about the African-American man as an endangered species.
10:52Copy video clip URL There is a switch to Johnson talking about running to make people accountable for themselves, “to make everyone a leader.” She talks about false leadership in communities especially in Black communities and bringing Altgeld Gardens closer to its former glory. There is a heated debate between Johnson and another candidate, a woman in a blue coat. People continue arguing heatedly about the best way to make the community better.
42:38Copy video clip URL Video ends.
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