[Joe Albert’s Fox Hunt: Pineconers 1]

A musical performance by Appalachian folk band The Pineconers, followed by a discussion with them about their musical heritage, recorded for the documentary Joe Albert's Fox Hunt and Other Stories from the Pine Barrens of New Jersey.

00:00Copy video clip URL “Testing 1, 2, 3.” The camera operator prepares.

00:27Copy video clip URL As the Pineconers play music outside in the woods, a deer watches nearby. The band consists of Joe Albert on washbasin bass, a banjo, a guitar, and a fiddle.

03:19Copy video clip URL The musicians discuss the formation of their band and the history of music in their area, beginning with weekly musical sessions at Joe Albert’s cabin. They eventually founded the Pinelands Cultural Society, a non-profit: “Our main goal is to keep the music together and to build ourselves our own building eventually. But the real music around here gathered here first, but it started just sort of in homes.”

06:53Copy video clip URL “Uncle Bill” (the fiddle player) discusses dancing and music in Appalachia and amongst his friends and relatives, the ways that traditions get passed down and around but also the ways that new ideas develop.

11:15Copy video clip URL Recollections about the handful of “home-written” songs that were composed by locals. 

13:55Copy video clip URL Discussion of the “old time families” in the Appalachians and their musical tastes and traditions, as well as the ways in which their way of life has remained the same since “colonial days.” The differences between terrain meant that people living just a few miles from each other would have drastically different daily lives, particularly when it comes to fishing, farming, and picking. 

20:39Copy video clip URL The final, disappearing remnants of European heritage in Appalachia. The band members discuss their own family histories, some of which can be traced back hundreds of years. 




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