This is raw footage shot for Julie Gustafson's documentary, "The Politics of Intimacy." In this seminal feminist video, ten women address the camera and seemingly each other in a wide-ranging exploration of such previously taboo subjects as women’s sexuality, power, and fears about intimacy. This interview is with Joanne Bauer. Originally shot in 1/2" B & W video.
00:26Copy video clip URL Expressing sexuality through dancing
01:25Copy video clip URL The physicality of feeling sexual
02:26Copy video clip URL Vulnerability of feeling sexual around men
03:05Copy video clip URL Not feeling in touch with sexual feelings
04:13Copy video clip URL Finding sexual pleasure after having sexual intercourse experiences with men. Becoming sexually aware awhile after having sex with partners
05:13Copy video clip URL Masturbation
07:30Copy video clip URL Feeling resentful about being sexually unaware
08:15Copy video clip URL Speaks on the differences between how sexual anatomy for men and women is handled in society
08:47Copy video clip URL Sexual responses during foreplay and during intercourse
09:25Copy video clip URL Having sexual experiences with inexperienced men shaping personal lack of enjoyment with sex
10:30Copy video clip URL Feeling uncomfortable with sharing thoughts surrounding not having orgasms and not enjoying the sex she has had in the past
11:18Copy video clip URL The fear and pressures to have an orgasm impacts arousal
12:30Copy video clip URL Feeling jealous when partners have orgasms
12:52Copy video clip URL Shares the struggles she experiences when partners stop after their orgasm and feeling cut off, unable to continue to reach her orgasm
14:10Copy video clip URL Experiencing sexual arousal intensely but that arousal completely goes away when intercourse begins
15:30Copy video clip URL Challenges of communicating with partners about attention needed and displeasure
16:38Copy video clip URL Feeling oppressed by a man’s Pensis and penis ejaculation
17:16Copy video clip URL Creating boundaries around sperm inside her after ejaculation with future partners
18:16Copy video clip URL Clitoris irritation after heavy intercourse
19:20Copy video clip URL Feeling passive surrounding sexual pleasures and displeasures.
19:49Copy video clip URL Fear of regressing back to not speaking up for wants in future romantic relationships, fear of being viewed as aggressive
20:14Copy video clip URL Feeling obligated to have sexual intercourse
20:33Copy video clip URL Reflections of self-worth
24:39Copy video clip URL Oral sex
26:56Copy video clip URL Interviewer speaks to their experience of sexual intercourse being very orgasm and man oriented and if it wasn’t she would more than likely have an orgasm, Joanne agrees
27:57Copy video clip URL Overthinking causing a disconnect from body and mind during intercourse
28:58Copy video clip URL The feelings of hatred after having intercourse with men when feeling unfulfilled and attended to sexually
29:58Copy video clip URL Speaks on good sexual experiences and how not overthinking effected experience
30:20Copy video clip URL Experiencing some guilt around feeling sexually satisfied
31:20Copy video clip URL Reflects back on positive sexual experience and what made it successful
33:02Copy video clip URL Video ends.
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