News coverage of the 1988 Presidential Election between Michael Dukakis and George Bush. B-roll of Bush at Notre Dame and the Polish National Alliance in Chicago.
0:00Copy video clip URL John Drury reports on the final week of the presidential election and how George Bush and Michael Dukakis are set to appear in Chicago. Bush apparently is hoping for a push from Reagan democrats.
0:24Copy video clip URL Cut to shot of Bush at the Polish National Alliance (located at 6845 N. Milwaukee) with Paul Meincke reporting in the background about how Bush is trying to push for the Polish vote by helping them with their right of self-determination. He continues to talk about Reagan democrats especially in the crowd at the Polish National Alliance.
1:07Copy video clip URL B-roll of footage of Bush at the University of Notre Dame with a very large crowd of students cheering for him. He talks about Dukakis as a liberal and congratulates Notre Dame on its football victories.
2:11Copy video clip URL Mary Ann Childers talks about the Democratic candidate, Dukakis, and his methods of campaigning against Bush specifically by attacking him and Reagan.
2:53Copy video clip URL Video ends.
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