One of the many incarnations of Punchline, a show that never came to fruition. The show features people from all over the country telling jokes on-camera.
0:00 Intro to Punchline.
0:43 Punchline Chicago. Short clips of people preparing to tell jokes and then some assorted jokes, including a series of “dirty” jokes.
6:04 Punchline Washington DC. Ronald Regan asks if the cameras are off and then puts his thumbs in his ears and waves his fingers.
6:25 Punchline Los Angeles. Various people tell jokes. People who tell bad jokes get pies in the face.
8:45 Punchline special report. Man walks around a nearly empty room and is taunted by a flickering light bulb. He enlists the help of a number of men to bring a ladder to change the bulb. All of them are wearing trenchcoats and no pants.
10:52 End of tape.
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