
This videotape is not yet digitized. Please email us to let us know you're interested in watching it, and we'll see if we're able to make it available online sooner.

One of the many incarnations of Punchline, a show that never came to fruition. The show features people from all over the country telling jokes on-camera.

0:00 Intro to Punchline.

0:43 Punchline Chicago. Short clips of people preparing to tell jokes and then some assorted jokes, including a series of “dirty” jokes.

6:04 Punchline Washington DC. Ronald Regan asks if the cameras are off and then puts his thumbs in his ears and waves his fingers.

6:25 Punchline Los Angeles. Various people tell jokes. People who tell bad jokes get pies in the face.

8:45 Punchline special report. Man walks around a nearly empty room and is taunted by a flickering light bulb. He enlists the help of a number of men to bring a ladder to change the bulb. All of them are wearing trenchcoats and no pants.

10:52 End of tape.



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