[Bill Veeck with Ray Greybey]

Tape has Ray Grebey, the owners' negotiator for the '81 MLB strike, and Bill Veeck discussing players associations, money in sports, Chicago in general, and a few off-the-cuff remarks about Marvin Miller.

00:07Copy video clip URL Color bars, and audio of the production crew setting up.

00:38Copy video clip URL Open to the middle of a conversation between Ray Grebey and Veeck on a pier.

1:25Copy video clip URL They speculate about real estate in Chicago and whether Jerry Reinsdorf had any plans to tear down Comiskey Park to make room for condos.

2:05Copy video clip URL Veeck uses the Sherry Hotel as an example of a failed effort in turning around a property.

2:40Copy video clip URL They talk about the Shoreland building in Hyde Park.

3:43Copy video clip URL Unionization (player associations) in sports and the television market. Grebey uses the NFL as an example.

5:05Copy video clip URL Veeck provides the idea of having all athletes in a single union. Grebey does not think that would be a good idea, since the various players association have different needs. Grebey also maintains that the teams with the best television contracts are already paying their players more, so the players are seeing the effects regardless of explicit contracts.

7:39Copy video clip URL Veeck brings the conversation back to pooling salaries and unions.

9:10Copy video clip URL Veeck: “Do you think the game can really stand this kind of pain?” Grebey: “The nice part about baseball, the game of baseball, is that no matter what we do we can’t destroy the game. People will always enjoy playing it. It will always be around. I have great faith in the endurance of the game and the fan.”

10:42Copy video clip URL Grebey: “It’s better to bargain before a crisis than after it…If we can keep that understanding then we have a lot to hope for in ’84.”

11:08Copy video clip URL Veeck outro.

12:00Copy video clip URL Black screen with audio.

12:07Copy video clip URL Long shot of Veeck and Grebey.

14:14Copy video clip URL Close shot of Veeck. Audio low. They are discussing another owner.

15:11Copy video clip URL Voting Chandler into the Hall of Fame and the upcoming Hall of Fame Game–White Sox vs. Cubs.

16:24Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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