[1988 Republican National Convention]

This series of news reports covers the 1988 Republican National Convention, focusing on Dan Quayle's nomination and the subsequent media controversy.

0:02Copy video clip URL New Orleans holds the 1988 Republican National Convention, where Indiana’s Dan Quayle had become the “hottest dark horse in the vice presidential sweepstakes”. Elizabeth Brackett talks about the political climate in Indiana, which is slow to change, and as a result, their delegates are older, mostly Republican, and nearly all white. The Indiana delegates are working to boost George H. W. Bush’s campaign. Indiana governor Robert Orr “concedes that, so far, Bush is not even getting credit for the good things that have happened under a Republican administration.” There is much anticipation about Ronald Reagan’s speech at the convention, although many think that it will be difficult for Republicans to translate the affection for Reagan to Bush.

7:52Copy video clip URL This segment reports on Dan Quayle winning the vice presidential nomination. His Indiana boosters had said that his “good looks and appeal to women are part of the reason he would help the ticket”. Indiana delegates were extremely enthusiastic after his nomination was announced.

11:32Copy video clip URL The excited Indiana delegation answers questions from the media following Dan Quayle’s nomination. However, some delegates in other states were not as sure about the choice, and would have preferred a more “tried, true, and tested” choice. Some Indiana delegates were stunned by the tough press coverage, especially the stories about Quayle’s alleged involvement with Paula Parkinson, a former lobbyist and current Playboy model.

18:04Copy video clip URL This news report covers the tough media attention following Dan Quayle’s nomination, focusing on whether or not Quayle had used influence to get into the National Guard 19 years before. The controversy grew, and the media began speculating that former governor Edgar Whitcomb may have used his influence to Quayle’s benefit. According to Governor Orr, Whitcomb did not know Quayle at the time that he joined the National Guard. The Indiana delegation was confused and alarmed by the media’s attacks on Quayle.

23:57Copy video clip URL Dan Quayle gave a speech at the convention, even as media continued focus on the National Guard allegations, but his supporters think that Quayle will recover from the negative press. Bush gave his speech, which some Indiana delegates believed to be the greatest speech of his life. Brackett speaks to Indiana delegate Ilze Koch, a Latvian refugee and first-time delegate, about why she has been so emotional throughout the convention.

30:27Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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