[Rock The Vote: 17 spots tied]

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0:00 Bars and tone, black.

0:53 Ice T – Who’s afraid of the voters? Call your Senator and ask him to support the Motor Voter bill.

1:27 Queen Latifah – Your civil rights. Footage of civil rights protests, Martin Luther King, Malcom X, early Black voters at the polls, beatings, funerals. Clip from Martin Luther King Speech. Latifah tells us not to make all of these struggles a waste. Vote.

2:27 KRS-1 – Your cuture. People who don’t like your music don’t like your culture and they are the ones who make the laws. You need to vote. Vote ’em out – you’ll see things change for the better.

3:30 Kid Frost – call your senator and ask him to support Motor Voter bill.

4:02 MC Lyte. Talks about how as a celebrity you need to set example and there are some perks. However, the most important things in her life are the things everyone has – friends, family, and the right to vote. Voting is not a privilege, it is your right.

4:50 Ice T – The System. Your vote is the only thing that counts. While he is anti-System, he understands that he lives in it and has to deal with it. He says that he ‘ d be happy with either a vote or a hostile takeover.

5:39 Queen Latifah – They want you to give up on voting. Stop being passive – give them somethng to be scared of.

6:20 Kid Frost – La Raza. Latin Alliance needs to speak out as one. Hispanics can make the change if they vote.

7:01 Queen Latifah – Call your senators and ask them to support the Motor Voter Bill. Are they afraid of voters?

7:39 Jani Lane of the band Warrant. He says that politicians make it hard for us to vote because they don’t want us to vote. Express yourself.

8:18 C & C Music Factory. “Everybody Dance Now.” If this bill passes, 50 to 60 million minorities and undepriveleged people will register to vote and will force politicians to change by voicing their opinions.

9:18 Jellyfish. Talks about voting polcies around the world. In many countries, adult citizens are automatically registered to vote. Says that effectively, in America minorities aren’t able to vote.

9:55 Ramones – Why didn’t you vote? Politicians don’t want you to vote, that’s why they make registering so hard. Call your senator about the Motor Voter bill.

10:55 C & C Music Factory – Rock the vote, don’t miss the boat. Support the Motor Voter bill and call your senator.

11:36 3rd Bass – Recreation of voting literacy test in 1951. White men get easy test, Black man gets impossible test, and even when he passes they tell him he failed.

12:34 Harmony – A lot of people fought for that right that you ignore. Politicians don’t stay up at night because your not voting. Call your senator and ask him to support the Motor Voter bill.

13:36 Fishbone – It’s been 20 years since 18 year olds got the right to vote, but still very few do so. The Motor Voter bill would make it possible to automatically register voters once the get their drivers liscence. Call the President to support the bill.

14:33 End of tape.



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