[Roland Burris press conference – Daley votes – Daley inauguration]

Footage leading up to, and after, the 1995 Chicago mayoral election. Opens with a brief press conference with challenger Roland Burris, then follows Mayor Richard M. Daley through his election celebration and various press engagements.

0:00Copy video clip URL Roland Burris stands at a podium during a press conference. He claims city workers were forced to take vacation time to help incumbent Mayor Richard M. Daley’s campaign.

2:22Copy video clip URL Burris addresses the Teamsters Union and inadequate training.

2:53Copy video clip URL Reporter asks why Burris is bringing all of this up in the hours before election when voters will be suspicious of any allegations.”Many individuals have now come forward because they know they will be protected.”

5:55Copy video clip URL A reporter asks Burris’ opinion on Daley being allowed to train police sergeants who were promoted not because of test results.

7:07Copy video clip URL “My priorities as you know are in the areas of education, educating our children, safety in the community, and creating jobs for our people.”

8:42Copy video clip URL Burris thanks the reporters and the press conference ends.

8:53Copy video clip URL A man at a voting station talks about the tradition of giving candy the judges of the elections “since 1900.” “I bet the mayor wins by 66. He’s coming in at 9:00; be ready for him now.”

10:06Copy video clip URL Mayor Daley and his wife, Maggie, come in to the precinct to cast their votes.

12:34Copy video clip URL Daley walks outside and answers questions from reporters. They ask his opinions about other local elections and the candidates, and Daley responds diplomatically.

14:33Copy video clip URL Camera men follow Daley down a hallway and into a sitting room where he meets his family. Crews are asked to wrap it up.

15:43Copy video clip URL Cut to Daley’s election party. A New Orleans brass band marches through the center of the hall.

17:40Copy video clip URL The crowd applauds as Daley enters the hall. Daley steps up to the podium with his family and thanks the city of Chicago for giving him the opportunity to serve as mayor again. “Chicago is the greatest city in the world… Our progress would not have come without a new spirit of cooperation in the government and the politics of our city.”

21:40Copy video clip URL Maggie Daley greets reporters and members of the audience. Mayor Daley follows behind.

22:12Copy video clip URL Daley steps out into the hall for a press release.

22:43Copy video clip URL A reporter asks about the low voter turnout for this election and whether it bothered Daley.

23:30Copy video clip URL Reporters continue to ask questions about coming changes, talks with Roland Burris, and election results.

28:38Copy video clip URL “I don’t believe government should be run by referendums.”

29:20Copy video clip URL A reporter asks about casino gambling. “There’s a number of reforms we have before we get to [casino gambling].”

31:49Copy video clip URL Press conference ends. Cut to set up for an on-camera interview with Daley, then behind-the-scenes footage of the interview in progress.

33:55Copy video clip URL First interview ends and Daley moves to a new chair for a different interview. More backstage footage.

34:40Copy video clip URL Daley sits down for his third interview in the same room

35:54Copy video clip URL Cut to an extreme long shot of the stage at Daley’s inauguration. The Chicago Children’s Choir begins to sing the national anthem.

37:17Copy video clip URL The official inauguration process begins. Shot of Daley and his family sitting on stage.

38:55Copy video clip URL Daley raises his right hand  and is officially inaugurated.

40:00Copy video clip URL Daley’s acceptance speech. He thanks his family then starts with a moment of silence for the victims of the Oklahoma City tragedy. He continues on to talk about Chicago, and his commitment to the city. “There is always another job to be found, a child to be saved, a family to be housed.”

46:50Copy video clip URL The Chicago Children’s Choir starts another piece

47:25Copy video clip URL Mayor Daley shakes the hands of various officials on stage.

48:24Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of the pit, where the band begins another piece while officials and audience members exit.

50:30Copy video clip URL Daley shakes more hands out in the hallway as attendees and officials congratulate him. A line forms outside the Office of the Mayor.

52:30Copy video clip URL Audio drops out.

52:50Copy video clip URL End.



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