0:00 Shots of plant life.
0:10 Driving shots of motels, restaurants.
0:20 Driving shots of trailers along a shore.
1:40 Shots of deer and wildlife.
2:30 TV screen with “Northeast News.”
3:10 Interview with man about how to spot child abuse.
4:45 “A P.S.A. Stop Child Abuse. ” Gives illustrations of physical, mental, verbal, and sexual abuse.
6:05 Interview with teenagers about what problems face teens. Most answer that gangs are the biggest problem.
6:45 “Ain’t No Surprise”. Tape about problems in the Englewood area, which focuses on gangs, drugs, guns, robberies, and killings. Tape by Latoya Evans.
12 :00 Awards ceremony for school P.S.A. contest.
12:15 Young girl talks about cigarette smoking. She ages and traces problems with drugs as she progresses to harder drugs. “Drugs! It Doesn’t Do a Body Good.”
14:30 Interview with the maker of the drug tape. She talks about how drugs are a major problem in her community.
16:20 Interview with mother and teacher of the videomaker.
20:20 Interview with woman who praises the video program.
20:40 Man talks about the artistic ability of the kids.
21:20 Girl talks about the value of art for teenagers in dealing with their problems.
23:15 Girl ta lks about teenagers being the future.
24:00 End of tape.
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