[Rostenkowski raw #101]

Raw footage from the 1981 documentary "Rostenkowski", a portrait of the House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. Cocktail reception for congressmen in Washington D.C. The audio is relatively poor so we don't pick up much of the conversation.

00:03Copy video clip URL Shot opens with close up of the top of the Capitol Building

00:33Copy video clip URL Cuts to Tom Weinberg and a woman holding a conversation presumably inside the Capitol Building.

02:27Copy video clip URL Cuts quickly to a shot of a man smoking a cigarette while conversing.

02:45Copy video clip URL Cuts to shot of Al Ullman, Democrat and member of the House of Representatives, walking into the cocktail party.

03:15Copy video clip URL Weinberg and crew enter into the cocktail party. Various shots include hostess pouring wine for party attendees and conversation between attendees.

04:35Copy video clip URL Shot of hostess signaling for more wine to be brought out for the guests. More guests arrive and talk amongst themselves.

05:40Copy video clip URL Weinberg begins to interview Kenneth Holland, Democrat and member of the House of Representatives from South Carolina. When asked what his view of Dan Rostenkowski is as a colleague, Holland replies in a calm southern tone, “He’s a terrific fella. He gets along well with everybody, even Southerners too.” Weinberg goes on to ask Holland about where he thinks Rostenkowski could be headed in his political career. Holland answers by saying, “You’ll have to ask him.”  Holland then begins to brush upon what Rostenkowski’s political progression might be and states that the Chairman of Ways and Means position would be the best situation for any House representative. Weinberg and Holland begin to make small talk as one of the camera operators gets a few different shots of the party, including a close up of Rostenkowski speaking with fellow party goers.

12:20Copy video clip URL Shots of various party goers speaking with Rostenkowski and one another. This continues for several minutes. The audio is hard to pick up.

15:10Copy video clip URL “That concludes our participation in this room.”

16:11Copy video clip URL Sound cuts out. The camera cuts to a shot of the doors leading into the cocktail party, followed by footage of the room where the party was held after everyone had left.

17:43Copy video clip URL Sound comes back in. Camera cuts to an interview between Weinberg, Skip Blumberg, and a secretary in the Capitol Building. The two seem to be asking the secretary about Rostenkowski and his daily functions in his work setting. The audio is very poor and much of the conversation cannot be heard clearly.

19:29Copy video clip URL Video cuts out. Tape is finished.



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