Raw footage from the 1981 documentary "Rostenkowski," a portrait of the House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. The crew sits in Dan Rostenkowski's office to wait for his arrival. This tape just shows his secretary answering phone calls.
00:00Copy video clip URL Tape begins with Tom Weinberg speaking to someone about Congressman Rostenkowski and his whereabouts. Weinberg continues talking to the secretary from the previous tape.
03:00Copy video clip URL Quick cut to shot of someone walking while shooting their steps at a downward angle, presumably on their way to Congressman Rostenkowski’s office. There is no audio during this clip.
03:29Copy video clip URL Cut to seal on Dan Rostenkowski’s desk. It reads, “Congressman Dan Rostenkowski, Illinois.” Weinberg makes small talk with people in Rostenkowski’s office.
04:30Copy video clip URL Cuts to various shots of pictures of the congressman posing with other political figures hanging in Rostenkowski’s office.
05:04Copy video clip URL Quick cut to Rostenkowski’s personal secretary, Virginia Fletcher, in his office hard at work. The majority of the tape is made up of Virginia taking care of her general office duties, speaking with Congressman Rostenkowski and others over the phone, and answering questions posed by Weinberg, who is awaiting Rostenkowski’s arrival. She stays quite busy throughout the rest of the video.
22:21Copy video clip URL Tape is finished.
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