Raw footage from the 1981 documentary "Rostenkowski," a portrait of the House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. The crew follows Rostenkowski as he makes his way to the final whip meeting of the 96th Congress. The audio is fairly poor throughout and switches from channel to channel before coming through both for the second half of the tape.
00:00Copy video clip URL The video begins with Weinberg and Blumberg as they set up and test the equipment before meeting with Rostenkowski.
01:37Copy video clip URL Quick cut to a shot of a seal on the front door of Rostenkowski’s office.
02:07Copy video clip URL Shot of Rostenkowski’s weekly planner and printed schedule for the day.
02:47Copy video clip URL Quick cut to Rostenkowski at his desk speaking with one of his staff members. The crew begins to shoot the Congressman as he makes his way to the whip meeting. At one point, Weinberg asks Rostenkowski to read aloud his schedule for the day. The audio is quite choppy throughout this part of the tape. Much of Rostenkowski’s response is inaudible. While waiting for the monorail, Rostenkowski is greeted by a fellow colleague and friend, the Dean of the Massachusetts delegation [Chandler]. The two converse and trade compliments and eventually part ways as Rostenkowski makes his way to the whip meeting.
09:30Copy video clip URL Congressman Rostenkowski arrives at the meeting and pours himself a cup of coffee before walking into the conference room.
10:08Copy video clip URL Camera is being rustled around and is out of focus as the audio picks up Rostenkowski greeting his colleagues in attendance.
10:47Copy video clip URL Rostenkowski and his colleagues talk and joke with one another before the meeting begins. A few of the attendees seem to be a little confused as to why the meeting is being taped. Rostenkowski explains to those few colleagues that the crew is filming a program for WTTW Chicago.
11:58Copy video clip URL Audio begins to come through both channels.
12:10Copy video clip URL In a sharp, joking tone, Rostenkowski says to Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill, about fellow colleague John Murphy, ” Ya know Tip, you can really tell the kinda day your gonna have when you look at John Murphy and ya know whether he’s smiling or frowning.” The statement is followed by laughter and giggles. John Brademus, Majority Whip at the time, jokes about Congressman Rostenkowski becoming Mayor of Chicago. Rostenkowski responds, “Oh my God. I hope this winds up on the cutting room floor, fellas.”
13:45Copy video clip URL Rostenkowski begins to quietly discuss his experiences with the video crew with a fellow colleague. Most of the short conversation is inaudible, but at one point, Rostenkowski awkwardly looks up and smiles at the camera.
14:48Copy video clip URL The meeting begins with John Brademus making a few comments about the whips and how appreciative he is for their hard work. He then reads off a program for the balance of the week for the House. Congressman Rostenkowski thanks Brademus for his service and says a few words regarding work in the House. Tip O’Neill says a few words about Brademus’ service in Congress as well. O’Neill then moves on and begins to talk about the 96th Congress. “Now as we end, we try to appraise what type of a congress was it.” He goes on to speak about the 95th congress and compares it to the 96th.
22:26Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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