Raw footage from the 1981 documentary "Rostenkowski," a portrait of the House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. In this tape, U.S. House Speaker Tip O'Neill is interviewed briefly. He, predictably, praises Rostenkowski. He says that he would prefer that Rostenkowski take the Majority Whip job that has been offered him by House majority leader Jim Wright, rather than take the Chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee. He explains the responsibilities of a House Majority Whip, and informs us that is the third highest leadership position in the House. After the interview is some shots of the large, ornate doors leading to the House Ways and Means Committee office. Rostenkowski explains that his name will be on the door, if he decides to take the job.
00:00Copy video clip URL Tape begins with the crew following Rostenkowski as he makes his way to a press conference.
02:00Copy video clip URL Audio switches over to left channel
02:29Copy video clip URL Rostenkowski tells Weinberg and crew that they’ll be able to interview John Brademus, Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill, and Jim Wright during the day. Rostenkowski then introduces Weinberg to a colleague. The two schmooze about a party they had both attended the night prior.
03:55Copy video clip URL Screen cuts to black. Audio of Tip O’Neill speaking at the press conference is picked up by the recording equipment.
05:10Copy video clip URL Crew members begin to have a little fun while waiting for the press conference to end. The press eventually begins to file out of the press conference. Rostenkowski makes his way out, is quick to get his microphone off, and sets Weinberg up with an interview with Tip O’Neill.
07:54Copy video clip URL Quick cut to shot of O’Neill walking into his office and greeting the crew members. O’Neill then takes a seat, throws his hands on top of his desk, and begins to talk about Rostenkowski. He describes where the Congressman may be headed in his political career and praises him throughout the entire interview. He goes on to state that he has urged Rostenkowski to take the Whip job rather than becoming the Chairman of Ways and Means, and explains why he believes the Congressman would be great in the Whip position.
13:21Copy video clip URL After a brief pause in between questions, O’Neill softly slams his hands upon his desk and stands up just as Weinberg was about to ask another question of him. As O’Neill is standing, looking as if he is done with the interview and hurriedly trying to get out of his office, Weinberg asks him a question about what his relationship with Rostenkowski would be like if he takes the Ways and Means Committee Chairmanship. O’Neill insists that Rostenkowski would be a “help regardless of where he is because he’s my friend and we understand each other, and there’s a friendship of over twenty years which you can’t take away from us.” The interview ends.
14:14Copy video clip URL Quick cut to various camera shots right outside of the Ways and Means room.
15:11Copy video clip URL Quick cut to Rostenkowski telling Weinberg about a few more interviews he is going to set up for him. The Congressman then explains to the crew that he will not be able to wear a microphone on the House floor later that night. The crew then follows Rostenkowski to a CIA briefing on Poland. Throughout their trip over to the briefing, the Congressman seems a little perturbed by the crew and is quick to leave them for the briefing.
18:14Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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