[Rostenkowski raw #113]

Raw footage from the 1981 documentary "Rostenkowski," a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. Two audio tracks: Channel 1 is Rostenkowski's wireless microphone. He is in a different room in a meeting. Channel 2 is Weinberg's microphone, where the camera is. Channel 1 is turned down during the interview with Gus Savage.

00:00Copy video clip URL Tape begins with black screen.

00:14Copy video clip URL Gus Savage, congressman from Chicago, talks about Rostenkowski’s leadership abilities. He becomes extremely touchy when asked about his own career, although he does claim to have been the first congressman elected from Chicago who has never been a part of the Chicago Democratic Machine. When asked why he became a member of Congress, Savage goes into greater detail about what his goals are in relation to his membership. “My interest is to help in some way to promote peace in the world, and to build prosperity for America, and win justice for my people, or contribute to some measure to those three objectives.” Savage goes on to state, “The purpose of my life is not going to Congress, the purpose of my life is what I just indicated: I’ve seen a war, so I’m for peace. I’ve seen poverty so I am for prosperity. I have suffered injustice so I am for justice.”

06:36Copy video clip URL Quick cut to shot of hallway which Rostenkowski walks through after a meeting. The Congressman asks the crew if they would like to shoot him outside. They eventually make it outside and shoot Rostenkowski as he makes his way towards the Capitol Building. The Congressman asks if the crew would like a shot of him walking down the steps of the Capitol past a group of school children. As Rostenkowski walks down the stairs, he mentions to one of the children that he is from Chicago. One of the kids in the group screams out, “Chicago sucks.” Rostenkowski continues to walk around briskly as he makes his way back to his office. Weinberg and Rostenkowski talk a little bit about the freshman class of Congressmen.

14:01Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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