Raw footage from the 1981 documentary "Rostenkowski," a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. Election day, 1980. B-roll footage. Includes interior and exterior shots of the field house in Chicago's Pulaski Park; campaign signs around Rostenkowski's district; exterior shots of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church; and exterior shots of the homes in Rostenkowski's neighborhood.
00:00Copy video clip URL Tape begins with a shot of the painting of Casimir Pulaski that sits in the lobby of the Pulaski Park Field House. Audio does not come in for about ten seconds.
00:15Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of the gymnasium of the field house as citizens file in and out of the designated polling area.
01:02Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of the American flag waving in the wind in front of the field house. The camera records two women as they walk past the entrance to the field house.
01:37Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of the marquee above the entrance that reads, “Pulaski Park, Chicago Park District.”
01:51Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of a Rostenkowski campaign banner hanging off of the side of the emergency stairs to an apartment building.
02:08Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of a couple of windows that have Rostenkowski support signs in them.
02:29Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of St. Stanislaus Kostka from the front. The sky serves as a pleasant background for the shot.
03:33Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of a few of the homes in the neighborhood. The cameraman begins with a shot of a couple of homes from across the street and then pans to a shot of the field in front of Pulaski Park.
04:48Copy video clip URL Cut to a closer shot of the neighborhood homes.
05:47Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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