Compilation tape highlighting the work of the members of the Chicago Area Videomakers Coalition. The group was formed in 1977 to formally bring together Chicago's independent videomakers to create a higher profile and bring their work to the public. This tape was first broadcast on Channel 44 on June 18, 1977, based on a commitment from general manager Ed Morris. The production of this tape made it apparent that the most pressing need in the videomaking community was editing facilities. In 1978, aided by the visibility produced by the sampler tape, the Coalition opened the Chicago Editing Center, which provided low-cost editing facilities to the public on a first-come, first-serve basis.
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0:00Copy video clip URL Black.
0:58Copy video clip URL Bars and tone.
2:08Copy video clip URL Slices of Chicago titles.
2:46Copy video clip URL State Street, March 17, 1977.
4:30Copy video clip URL AM. Black and white. City workers prepare the street for the Saint Patrick’s Day parade that will also serve as a memorial to the late Mayor Richard J. Daley. A CTA bus driver gets into an extended argument with the street painters when he refuses let a police officer help him back up and go around the paint.
7:35Copy video clip URL Color. The day of the parade. There are politicians, a marching band, clowns, and float after float with pictures of the late mayor. Members of the crowd talk about their sadness at the loss of the mayor. “He was the greatest mayor in the history of Chicago.” “How’s the parade?” – “It’s good, but I think it would be better with Mayor Daley.” By Judy Hoffman, Scott Jacobs, Valjean McLenighan, Jim Morrissette, Jim Passin, Denise Zaccardi, and Raul Zaritsky.
10:00Copy video clip URL Black and white. Man smoking a cigar talks in Spanish about his love of Chicago. By Lilly Ollinger and Denise Zaccardi.
11:08Copy video clip URL “The Golden Gloves” by Scott Jacobs and Tom Weinberg. Black and white. A documentary about a rising star in Chicago’s Golden Gloves boxing championship. Footage is separated into three segments on this tape.
14:22Copy video clip URL Black and white. Interview with a preaching bus driver who calls his bus a “portable pulpit.” “Come right in darling, the Happy Bus is here.” Patrons express a unanimous feeling that this bus makes them happy. By Lilly Ollinger.
17:13Copy video clip URL “Quiet City.” Aerial shots of a surprisingly empty-looking Chicago with eerie music. By Jim Passin.
23:19Copy video clip URL Black and white. A couple kisses in the City Hall building before they separate into the County half and the City half, where they each work. The women then tells us about the different departments in the building and gives us a peek into how City Hall works. “Patronage workers work their ass off – trust me – it’s the civil service workers who sit on their ass.” By Nick Despota and Scott Jacobs.
25:54Copy video clip URL “Busia And Cioc” by Valjean McLenighan. Black and white. Valjean visits two of her elderly relatives in their apartment and interviews them about the old days and their experiences as immigrants. “I was a slave in Poland and I heard America was a free country. I worked terrible hard here for nothing and was treated like dirt.”
31:00Copy video clip URL Black and white. Tape about heroin addicts told through poetry / song by high school kids. By the Poetry Club of Roberto Clemente High School and Dave Affelder.
34:12Copy video clip URL “Golden Gloves.” Black and white. Boxing training. This footage did not make it into the final edit of “Golden Gloves.” The young boxer sadly seems to be resting his future on his ability to become rich through boxing.
36:52Copy video clip URL “Joann: My Sister the Mail Carrier.” Black and white. We follow postal carrier on her route. She talks about her experience being a female in a traditionally male job. By Eleanor Boyer and Karen Peugh.
40:53Copy video clip URL 1365 Milwaukee Avenue. Black and white. The owner of a shop talks about shopping on Milwaukee Avenue and the ethnic changes that the neighborhood has gone through. By Lilly Ollinger and Denise Zaccardi.
42:32Copy video clip URL “Spacing.” Black and white. Videomaker gets man on the street to read a document that formally describes how an interaction between people takes place. The camera gradually moves back further and further from the man while he reads, in the process capturing groups of people interacting in ways related to what the man is reading. By Nick Despota.
46:43Copy video clip URL More unused footage from “Golden Gloves.” The boys are examined by doctors before they compete. We also see footage of our protagonist’s fight, which he wins.
51:46Copy video clip URL End Credits.
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