This is an audio-only feature from Spirits in the Wilderness, a documentary commissioned for the opening of the Shedd Aquarium's Oceanarium. Producer, director, and editor Judy Hoffman documents an aboriginal fisherman, Roy Cranmer, fighting to preserve the 'Namgis band's historic fishing grounds and land of origin while protecting the vibrant ecosystems and salmon populations that have sustained the Pacific Northwest Coast region for centuries. Also known by the anglicized name Nimpkish, the 'Namgis are part of the Kwakwaka'wakw (initially named the Kwakiut'l by Franz Boas) First Nation and have their homeland in what is now British Columbia, on the northern end of Vancouver Island. Hoffman has maintained a long relationship with the ‘Namgis band, having been adopted into the Cranmer family at the Cranmer potlatch in November 2017.
00:00Copy video clip URL Interviewer Judy Hoffman asks Roy Cranmer, member of the ‘Namgis band and captain of the Kitgora, a seine fishing boat, about international competitors who claim stakes for fishing near the Johnstone Straight, which exerts other pressures and limit resources in local ecosystems and for other commercial fishers. Cranmer cites the example of unregulated salmon fishing out in the Bering sea that likely effects yearly salmon stock in the ‘Namgis homeland.
02:16Copy video clip URL Hoffman asks Cranmer to supply certain phrases to be used in the documentary’s final edit.
03:58Copy video clip URL Cranmer argues that Canadian fisheries have misguided their restraint of salmon fishing in the area where the ‘Namgis and other indigenous bands fish. While the government claims the need to conserve salmon stock, Cranmer explains how other areas where salmon travel don’t receive the same regulatory attention as does the area where the ‘Namgis fish.
06:27Copy video clip URL Cranmer’s involvement in the Salmon Enhancement Program, an effort to stem the harmful effects of logging and fish farms on salmon populations and habitat begun by local communities and indigenous fisherman in the Johnstone Straight area, which received funding by the Canadian government.
08:36Copy video clip URL Cranmer tells of the reduction in chum fishing opportunities, a type of fishing by throwing groundbait, called “chum,” into the water to lure larger game fishing into desirable fishing grounds. He laments the lack of trust and bargaining power indigenous fishers have for negotiating fishing openings with the government. Cranmer lists other concerns he has for the way local waters and fishing openings have been managed.
11:12Copy video clip URL Sound stops.
11:28Copy video clip URL Sound returns. Hoffman again asks Cranmer for phrases and sound bites for the final edit.
13:43Copy video clip URL Sound stops.
13:57Copy video clip URL Sine wave tone from color bars.
14:09Copy video clip URL Sound returns. Cranmer talks about a twelve hour fishing opening for commercial salmon fishing.
14:18Copy video clip URL Sound stops.
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