[Radio Faces raw: Steve Dahl + Bruce Wolf #1]

Raw footage of a live radio broadcast at Sports Radio 1000 AM WMVP in Chicago hosted by Steve Dahl and Bruce Wolf. Shot for a TV show called Radio Faces.

0:00Copy video clip URL Open on a live broadcast of WMVP 1000 AM. This is a sports news radio station based in Chicago. One of the hosts, Steve Dahl, bad mouths Radio Faces and Tom Weinberg quite a bit. He complains that he never received compensation for some of his footage that was used on Image Union, and that they are receiving nothing for doing this show.

12:10Copy video clip URL The radio broadcast continues as normal. They talk as normal with long commercial breaks interrupting. There is a traffic announcement.

32:40Copy video clip URL They take a caller for a short time. The show continues as normal with more commercials.

51:11Copy video clip URL Video ends.



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