Segments from The 90's Election Special: The Convention. Our reporter and advocate Stoney Burke interviews people around the Republican National Convention.
0:00 Bars and tone.
1:28 Republican National Convention in Houston 1992. Stoney Burke introduces himself inside the convention.
3:05 Burke asks Pat Buchanan whether he’s going to run for president. Burke jokes with Dan Quayle. Burke harasses Jack Kemp, Secretary of Housing about homelessness. The politician responds by putting the blame on PBS for not investigating. Burke harasses Nicholas Brady, Secretary of the Treasury about the division of wealth in the country. Brady slips and calls the US a company instead of a country.
6:33 Burke asks man if he is secretly a Democrat. He asks man what family values is a code word for. The only definition that the man can give is that Woody Allen is not family values, and that people who don’t know don’t have them. Other people seem to give slightly more sensible answers.
8:15 Burke shows us all the pro-family, religious signs and shouting. We see people with alternate values getting kicked out, such as people proclaiming homosexuality. Dan Quayle talks.
11:09 Burke congratulates man on the rally, then harasses him. Shows us the “Three Stooges of the Religious Right” – Rush Limbaugh, Marilyn Quayle, and Pat something. Then Burke interviews Sonny Bono, Bruce Willis, and Major Dad. These people are not concerned about the Right’s attacks on the arts, because they don’t consider themselves part of the arts.
13:55 Burke goes to an anti-censorship rally and interviews people.
15:23 Burke interviews more Republicans about American values. He then interviews Republican youth, who seem eerily unaware of any Republican values besides fun. He then interviews Michale Kinsley of The New Republic, who is uncomfortable being around so many Republicans. Burke interviews a man about why Perot dropped out of the Presidential race. He then harasses Oliver North.
19:29 Burke walks up on empty podium and pretends to announce his candidacy as the next president of the US.
21:00 End of tape.
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