[TBS demo to Clarence]

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0:00 Watch it! demo start. Demo of early television from era. "That's how they saw the future of TV in 1939..." Channel 500 ad. "It's variety and verite!"

1:00 Two violinists perform from their living room.

1:20 Skip Blumberg runs into a pole while interviewing one of the violinists on the street.

1:20 Todd Alcott does “Look at me!” monologue.

2:05 People agreeing to be on television.

2:26 “Wagons Ho” video.

2:40 A kid talks to a couple pigs for television.

3:04 Man with ukelele sings in a music video.

3:30 Clip from “Flying Morning Glory (on fire)” by Skip Blumberg. At an outdoor restaurant in Phitsanulok, Thailand, a cook demon strates how to make a stir-fried dish with morning glory leaves. “Make sure the wok is very hot,” he says and then tosses the meal in the air behind him, which is caught on a plate by the server.

3:40 Satellite TV clip of Larry King and Bill Clinton talking during a commercial break. King tell s Clinton that Ted Turner is a big fan and will “serve him” after he is elected.

4:15 New York taxi driver Robert Demella talks to Skip Blumberg about the evils of television.

4:45 More promo for Channel 500.

5:36 end of promo.

5:40 Someone named Rob talks to cameraman about punk. The cameraman and Rob listen to a record by Sabalon Glitz.

8:58 Interviewer talks to another character briefly, who shows him his room.

9:38 Patrick Creadon bungee jumps with his camera. Seen from the ground and the fall.

10:40 Chicago Slices promo. A bicycle messenger rides down Wacker Drive in the city, almost hitting a newspaper vendor. He says, “I always tell people this job keeps me in good shape, but not necessarily good health.”

13:50 Jackson Park Lagoon. Alma Jenkins is fishing and explains that she’s fishing for fish. By Andrew Jones.

15:00 Judy Markey and Tom Weinberg do a tape where women on a train guess the ages and other information about other women on the train. “What the El?”.

16:25 Photographers boss Bill Clinton around trying to get good photos.

17:00 A women working at a money-printing location talks about her job. By Eddie Becker.

17:45 A bank manager shows his vault and talks about daily processes, including playing Monopoly with real money.

18:33 New York taxi driver Robert Demella with Skip Blumberg. “Do you realize our generation that grew up on TV is probably the STUPIDEST generation to come down the pike?” “If it’s not quick, if it’s not easy, if it’s not fast food junk for the mind, you don’t wanna hear it.”

19:00 black.

19:20 A group of guys in an apartment pour drinks setting up for the interview.

20:50 Two interview subjects talk about their publication, The Baffler, and the academic underpinnings of their publication, their theory of media, etc.

1:01:45 End of tape.



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