0:00 Watch it! demo start. Demo of early television from era. "That's how they saw the future of TV in 1939..." Channel 500 ad. "It's variety and verite!"
1:00 Two violinists perform from their living room.
1:20 Skip Blumberg runs into a pole while interviewing one of the violinists on the street.
1:20 Todd Alcott does “Look at me!” monologue.
2:05 People agreeing to be on television.
2:26 “Wagons Ho” video.
2:40 A kid talks to a couple pigs for television.
3:04 Man with ukelele sings in a music video.
3:30 Clip from “Flying Morning Glory (on fire)” by Skip Blumberg. At an outdoor restaurant in Phitsanulok, Thailand, a cook demon strates how to make a stir-fried dish with morning glory leaves. “Make sure the wok is very hot,” he says and then tosses the meal in the air behind him, which is caught on a plate by the server.
3:40 Satellite TV clip of Larry King and Bill Clinton talking during a commercial break. King tell s Clinton that Ted Turner is a big fan and will “serve him” after he is elected.
4:15 New York taxi driver Robert Demella talks to Skip Blumberg about the evils of television.
4:45 More promo for Channel 500.
5:36 end of promo.
5:40 Someone named Rob talks to cameraman about punk. The cameraman and Rob listen to a record by Sabalon Glitz.
8:58 Interviewer talks to another character briefly, who shows him his room.
9:38 Patrick Creadon bungee jumps with his camera. Seen from the ground and the fall.
10:40 Chicago Slices promo. A bicycle messenger rides down Wacker Drive in the city, almost hitting a newspaper vendor. He says, “I always tell people this job keeps me in good shape, but not necessarily good health.”
13:50 Jackson Park Lagoon. Alma Jenkins is fishing and explains that she’s fishing for fish. By Andrew Jones.
15:00 Judy Markey and Tom Weinberg do a tape where women on a train guess the ages and other information about other women on the train. “What the El?”.
16:25 Photographers boss Bill Clinton around trying to get good photos.
17:00 A women working at a money-printing location talks about her job. By Eddie Becker.
17:45 A bank manager shows his vault and talks about daily processes, including playing Monopoly with real money.
18:33 New York taxi driver Robert Demella with Skip Blumberg. “Do you realize our generation that grew up on TV is probably the STUPIDEST generation to come down the pike?” “If it’s not quick, if it’s not easy, if it’s not fast food junk for the mind, you don’t wanna hear it.”
19:00 black.
19:20 A group of guys in an apartment pour drinks setting up for the interview.
20:50 Two interview subjects talk about their publication, The Baffler, and the academic underpinnings of their publication, their theory of media, etc.
1:01:45 End of tape.
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