This is raw footage for the TV show, The 90s. Recorded by Skip Blumberg, this particular footage shows performances by The Champions, a cheerleading/dance/jump rope group of girls residing in the Marcy Homes in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. The Champions appear again in tape #15837, but are called "The Street."
0:00Copy video clip URL Open on Paul Robeson Memorial Cultural Center. Several shots are taken of the surrounding area.
1:21Copy video clip URL Switch to shot of The Champions, a cheerleading/dance/jump rope group that also appears in tape #15837
4:30Copy video clip URL They perform “6 Beat,” a cheer created by their leader, Shorty.
8:47Copy video clip URL The Champions begin a dance routine to what is probably a popular song of the time. A few takes are completed.
18:46Copy video clip URL The Champions are introduced and they all say hi to the camera.
20:48Copy video clip URL The Champions perform 6 Beat again with more performers.
23:28Copy video clip URL They perform “Champion.”
24:47Copy video clip URL They perform “Ou-sha-wala-wala.”
26:58Copy video clip URL Video ends.
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