Footage for a The 90's People segment featuring media activist Tony Schwartz.
00:00Copy video clip URL Color bars and tone.
00:50Copy video clip URL Tony Schwartz tells a Rowe V. Wade joke. Then he says that agencies are all busy with committees making commercials, rather than individuals like himself.
02:34Copy video clip URL Schwartz says, “we can never talk about the future, we can only talk about what we can do today with the tools we have today.” He says that in this way, the media can be used meaningfully in the field of medicine. He describes his own interest to create environments that will pay for the use of media in this way.
05:08Copy video clip URL Another take of Tony Schwartz’s speech. He speaks more specifically about the prevention of disease, illness, and accidents through the media. He discusses using media to educate people about their lives, and to get companies to stop functioning in destructive ways.
08:03Copy video clip URL Schwartz talks about television and greed.
13:00Copy video clip URL He talks about using wire recorders in 1945, and then the next technologies when they came out, saying he always kept up with the most current formats. He discusses analog vs. digital in terms of audio and video recording.
20:03Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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