Eddie Tape #77. Raw video for The 90's featuring Senator Strom Thurmond taking photos with the winners of an inter-departmental government baseball tournament. The end of the tape features a Yamaha player piano.
0:04Copy video clip URL Open to Myron S. “Mike” Waldman, journalist for Newsday, being interviewed by a Fox News television reporter at his book release party. There is a television camera crew present. Audio of the rabble of the party.
2:07Copy video clip URL Cut to trophies on a desk. Cut to an interview with a man from the Department of Energy. He is interviewed by videographer Eddie Becker about an inter-departmental baseball tournament.
4:47Copy video clip URL Cut to two people’s shoes. Cut to an interview with Scott Mason, a representative for American Beer Drinker’s Association. He talks about the Party Smart initiative, which encourages responsible partying. He also describes various state legislative lobbying efforts. He predicts further taxation for beer drinkers.
7:55Copy video clip URL Cut to a group of men in suits standing behind a desk. They hold trophies for a photograph. Senator Strom Thurmond enters the room for photographs.
13:01Copy video clip URL The winning department takes photographs.
14:01Copy video clip URL Cut to inside the Union Station train terminal. A Yamaha player piano plays. People watch.
18:25Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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