Eddie Tape #109. Democratic convention.
00:00Copy video clip URL Footage continues from Tape 10953. At the 1992 Democratic National Convention in New York City. A man, Henry Mossel, is in the middle of a conversation with the videographer, Eddie Becker, saying, “We want to demonstrate at 9:30Copy video clip URL to show our disapproval at the convention for not letting the Minority Report be read. The Minority Report is Governor Jerry Brown’s platform.”
01:35Copy video clip URL The convention. Interview with John Woods from Wisconsin. He is pleased with the Clinton/Gore ticket. He thinks it will be a nice change. He feels the present administration is not addressing the real issues and believes a Democrat administration can bring out the best in the US. He notes that he hasn’t been inspired by a President since Kennedy. He says his children are ages 19, 18, and 10, and he doesn’t want them to grow up overwhelmed by the country’s national debt. He wants them to have good jobs and be able to afford a home. He says if we have four more years of Bush and if there is not change, the US will become a second-rate country. He adds that he is a 1965 graduate of Berkley and served with the Peace Corps in Ethiopia.
10:38Copy video clip URL The videographer interview Issac Weinberger says they’re is always hope. “We are proud Democrats.” He says he is with the Mayor’s office of New York City and that he and his colleagues are here to cheer for their Mayor when he addresses the convention. He says the Mayor has done more for this convention than anyone in the last 150 years. When asked he says that he is 45-years-old. Continue b-roll of the convention: crowds, people, chatting, speakers give speeches.
13:10Copy video clip URL A speaker is cheered.
14:11Copy video clip URL Interview with journalist Nancy Chandler from WTMJ Milwaukee. They are in a corridor outside the convention. When asked about the “blonding of America” Chandler says she doesn’t think it’s a good or bad thing. She adds she’s been turned down for jobs because she’s not a minority.
15:33Copy video clip URL Betty Aberlin gives commentary: “Words fail me.” She shows the camera some equipment. They go to a backstage area where production gear boxes are stored. She crosses yellow barricade tape and sits on the boxes. the videographer asks what it was like on the convention floor and if she ever had an experience like that before. Aberlin responds: “There’s no business like show business.” She sits on the cases looking forlorn. Of being on the convention floor she says, “Is it a democracy that we’re living in? Do we still have the ability to make change?” The demonstrators are in a designated demonstrator area. She questions if that kills the idea of democracy.
19:30Copy video clip URL A man confronts the videographer asking if he has credentials to be in this area with the production gear.
19:35Copy video clip URL Change of location. Demonstrators passionately chanting and demonstrating. Signs read: “No Puppet Government for Haiti,” and “If you like Mike Dukakis You Will Love Bill Clinton”.
20:33Copy video clip URL Aberlin interviews a small child, Donald. She asks what he thinks of the demonstration. “I think it’s crazy!” He says he thinks there’s hope for the future. And that one thing the world should so is stop killing one another. When asked if it’s tough to be a kid, he answers “No.” “Do grown ups listen to you?” “Yes.” Donald’s mom introduces herself as Mrs. Patterson. She thinks the convention is exciting.
22:53Copy video clip URL The man holding the “If you like Mike Dukakis You Will Love Bill Clinton” sign says he’s here because he supports Bush. He says Clinton was fooling around with other women. Bush doesn’t. He introduces himself as Bill Donovan from Boston.
24:30Copy video clip URL A woman using a public pay phone outside the historic Post Office on 8th Avenue, New York City.
25:02Copy video clip URL A woman, one of the demonstrators, says she’s here at the Take Back the Night demonstration with Refuse and Resist, an organization going against the New World Order, the attacks on blacks, women and those of alternative lifestyles. She reads the pledge of Refuse and Resist which separates itself from America’s New World Order program.
27:51Copy video clip URL Video signal loss. Stop/re-start digitizing. Various b-roll of crowds and demonstrators.
28:09Copy video clip URL Aberlin says that the thing that worries her is how tired she is. “What can I believe in and be tireless about?”
28:57Copy video clip URL Various New York City street activity. Interview with passerby Stacy who says of the convention, “it was nice to be around like minded people.” She says she was involved in the Pro-Choice rally.
30:25Copy video clip URL Aberlin talks with former New York City Mayor John Lindsay and his wife, says he thinks Clinton will win the election. A stretch limo . Continued interview with Lindsay who, when asked where the expression “The Big Apple” comes from, says the expression comes from a dance in the 1920s.
31:56Copy video clip URL Interview with Sylvia Turner, in front of St Francis of Assisi church on West 31st Street. She says she was born and raised in Harlem. She says she’ll be 35 and she’s not ashamed of her age. She says New York City is giving it’s priority to the Democratic National Convention. She says she understands why, but for her the most important issue is a belief and love of God and Jesus. She hands out leaflets entitled ‘How to Get to Heaven from New York.’
36:30Copy video clip URL A male passerby on the street says he gets his reward from “people giving me something.”
37:18Copy video clip URL Interior at Madison Square Garden, inside the Democratic National Convention. Poor audio.
38:38Copy video clip URL Audio improves.
39:00Copy video clip URL Aretha Franklin singing The National Anthem at the Democratic National Convention. The crowd cheers wildly.
42:33Copy video clip URL Interview with J.R. Hammond from Woodstock, Alabama. He says he is a coal miner and a single parent. He believes the US needs a new President before we “go down the drain.” When asked what the National Anthem meant to him, Hammond says unless a person’s been here and felt the energy, they can’t imagine. It sent chills up and down his spine. He says he is here for working people all over the country who don’t have health insurance. “Come November all that comes to a halt.” He adds that he is a Delegate from the 7th Congressional District. He was elected because he ran uncommitted. Various b-roll of the convention packed with people.
46:17Copy video clip URL Several commentators in press boxes above the convention floor. Rush Limbaugh is one of the commentators reporting. A woman comments to the videographer, “That’s Rush Limbaugh, he has a rebel talk show. He sure can irritate you.” The woman notes she is from Upstate New York and is working for WDS Radio. “We carry Rush’s show.”
48:47Copy video clip URL Various journalists in press boxes. Various shots of the convention, speakers.
50:24Copy video clip URL Spectators in the nose bleed section near the press boxes. Continued b-roll of the journalists and commentators.
52:22Copy video clip URL Change of location. George Stephanopoulos in a hotel ballroom, speaking at a podium to a group of journalists. Audio very poor.
59:59Copy video clip URL Audio improves. Journalists talking one-on-one with Stephanopoulos.
01:01:33Copy video clip URL END
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