[The 90’s raw: Eddie Tape – Presidential election parties]

Videographer Eddie Becker documents various 1992 Presidential election parties in Washington, DC, including one at the home of Stewart Mott.

00:00Copy video clip URL Party at the Washington, DC, home of Stewart Mott, heir to General Motors. Television sets are on and the crowd watches the 1992 Presidential election. Various shots of the party. One partier from the American Nurses Association says he’s here today because he supports Clinton. The crowd cheers when news about abortion rights in Maryland is announced on TV.

01:52Copy video clip URL As the videographer, Eddie Becker, tries to interview a man who works for a magazine, a woman takes Becker over to “Barbara Bush,” a man dressed in drag. Mockingly, Mrs. Bush says of Clinton supporters “Let them enjoy it while they can. If they think anybody can do a better job than my George, they’ll see who’s laughing four years from now.” Various shots of the party.

04:53Copy video clip URL Becker explains to a party-goer named David that he is shooting this for Nancy Cain at CamNet. David notes that we are in he Washington, DC, home of Stewart Mott, heir to the General Motors fortune. He adds he was there in 1968 when Mott pledged twenty-five thousand dollars to McCarthy’s campaign. “I remember an audible gasp!” He says he feels happy to see the end of a 12-year Bush-Reagan era, but adds that Clinton remains to be seen. He says he’d like to see Clinton be more progressive.

07:14Copy video clip URL Interview with Stewart Mott who talks without direction about the 1968 convention. Stewart converses with the mock “Mrs. Bush.” A woman introduces Mott to a reporter from US News and World Report. The journalist interviews him. He introduces her to Anne Zill, co-founder of Women’s Campaign Fund and a reporter from the Washington Post. Mott takes the journalists to the back garden for the interview.

11:18Copy video clip URL People watch the election on TV. A woman notes that Clinton has 238 electoral votes and he needs 270. Angela Splendorio, who works on alcohol policies at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, says she’s very pleased there will be a Democrat in office. She says she’d like FTC to do a little more alcohol advertising reform and a raise on alcohol taxes.

14:00Copy video clip URL People at the party watching the polls on TV.

15:10Copy video clip URL When asked about her ZPG name tag, Eliza Hart tells the videographer that ZPG means Zero Population Growth. She says she’s pleased Clinton is wining. “We’re a pro-choice organization.”

19:00Copy video clip URL Another party-goer says this is the first party he’s been to tonight. He says he and his friend were making an analogy to a 49ers football game. “I would be horrified at who the 49ers fans were. I feel a little like that tonight.”  The light-hearted moment is interrupted by a woman making an announcement. “Who ever has a red Celica with Texas plates parked outside, your car alarm is going off. The police are outside.” Continued b-roll of the party. Random interviews with party-goers. One named Brian says he voted in New Jersey because that’s where he lives.

23:29Copy video clip URL A woman repeats the message about the car alarm going off.

24:55Copy video clip URL A man says he’s not a Clinton supporter, “But he’s better than Bush.” A woman called Tamara says she works for the National Women’s Political Caucus and is here reporting on the election results.

26:20Copy video clip URL Audio signal fades.

26:30Copy video clip URL Audio signal returns. Change of location. Election party at a hotel. Many people mill about in and outside the ballroom. People shout, “Clinton won!” The crowd cheers.

30:07Copy video clip URL  A party-goer says the polls just closed about ten minutes ago in California. He adds it’s wonderful to be here. This is the first he voted for someone who won. He adds he is cautiously optimistic. A woman says this election means pro-choice. It means this economy will get better.

31:50Copy video clip URL Shots of the party and people singing.

32:55Copy video clip URL A girl says she’s happy just to be here while a band sings a pro-Clinton song acapella. The band sings a second song.

34:23Copy video clip URL The crowd quiets as they watch the election on TV. Various remarks of joy and cheering.

39:12Copy video clip URL A Washington Post headline announcing Clinton’s win. Outside the hotel, people cheer, car horns honk.

40:02Copy video clip URL Inside the hotel two young men sell campaign buttons. A man enters asking if they have a license. They do not. After a confrontation, the man makes them close shop. A woman says that during the altercation someone took one of the button sellers’ bag and walked away. The videographer goes in search.

44:06Copy video clip URL Interview with two enthusiastic party-goers. They cheer for Clinton’s victory. Outside the hotel others cheer, car horns honk.

45:28Copy video clip URL Change of location. Outside the White House people cheer, cars honk horns. Various shots of the White House, crowds, cars, police standing by.

47:45Copy video clip URL A guy being interviewed by network news. Various shots of the celebration. Someone flashes a sign, “Inhalers for Clinton.” Various cheers, network interviews, clapping, horns honking, whistles, police standing guard.

53:00Copy video clip URL A police officer videotapes the scene. He says he has a thirty-minute tape and he records activity in case there’s a dispute. When asked he says he uses regular and super VHS tape.

54:51Copy video clip URL A woman dances with a hula hoop. A percussion group performs.

55:36Copy video clip URL Change of location. Interior of a hotel ballroom after the party. Only a few people remain. Bush supporters. Two women say Clinton is a liar. Catherine Weybeck from Connecticut says, “We have nothing to offer to the world now. We voted for what we believe in: integrity, the American dream. Clinton believes in welfare state. I’m pissed off!”

01:02:15Copy video clip URL Bush supporters solemnly watch Clinton’s acceptance speech. Gene McElwee says that he thinks Clinton’s record speaks for itself. “He said he wouldn’t run and he ran … Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll get impeached.”

01:07:30Copy video clip URL Girls at a bar say that this is a sad day for America. They say now they have to work towards 1996.

01:58:05Copy video clip URL A TV shows news of the election. The people in the bar are solemn. Date appears on camera: Nov 4, 1992.

01:08:47Copy video clip URL Ron Warren from California says a piece of cardboard makes all the difference. He says he’s a Democrat, but if he holds up a Bush sign, he’s accepted by the Republicans. “They believe I’m part of the group.” He notes America loves winners. Now, he observes, we’re faced with a loser. People are optimistic. “Let’s look toward 1996.” That’s part of the American spirit, he notes. “Let’s fight on, push forward.”

01:16:08Copy video clip URL The bar and the party. Bush supporters are solemn. Warren repeats how he got into the party by holding a Bush sign. He notes, “It proves if you can reflect the right image you go a long way. I’m worried about that.”

01:18:21Copy video clip URL END.



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